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Showing words for MOVABLE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Movable
6 Letter Words for Movable
5 Letter Words for Movable
4 Letter Words for Movable
3 Letter Words for Movable
Definitions for Movable
[1] capable of being moved; not fixed in one place, position, or posture.
[2] Law . (of property) not permanent in reference to place; capable of being moved without injury. personal, as distinguished from real.
[3] changing from one date to another in different years: a movable holiday.
[4] (of type or matrices) able to be rearranged.
[5] an article of furniture that is not fixed in place.
[6] Often movables. Law . an article of personal property not attached to land.
[7] able to be moved or rearranged; not fixed
[8] (esp of religious festivals such as Easter) varying in date from year to year
[9] (usually spelt moveable ) law denoting or relating to personal property as opposed to realty
[10] printing (of type) cast singly so that each character is on a separate piece of type suitable for composition by hand, as founder's type
[11] (often plural) a movable article, esp a piece of furniture
Words related to Movable
mobile, ambulatory, portable, motile, adaptable, adjustable, loose, moving, removable, separable, transferable, unattached, unsteady, conveyable, deployable, detachable, liftable, portative, shiftable, turnable
Words nearby Movable
mouthwash, mouthwatering, mouthy, mouton, moutonnée, movable, movable feast, movable joint, movable testis, movable type, movable-do system
Origin of Movable
1350–1400; Middle English mevable, movable < Anglo-French movable. See move, -able
Other words from Movable
mov·a·bil·i·ty , mov·a·ble·ness , noun
mov·a·bly , adverb
non·mov·a·bil·i·ty , noun
non·mov·a·ble , adjective
non·mov·a·ble·ness , noun
non·mov·a·bly , adverb
un·mov·a·ble , adjective
Synonyms for Movable
ambulatory, mobile, motile, portable, adaptable, adjustable, conveyable, deployable, detachable, in parts, liftable, loose, moving, not fastened, not fixed, on wheels, portative, removable, separable, shiftable, transferable, turnable, unattached, unfastened, unstationary, unsteady