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Showing words for MUSCULAR using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Muscular


7 Letter Words for Muscular

clausum, cumular, lucumas, ramulus

6 Letter Words for Muscular

aurums, cumaru, cursal, lacmus, larums, laurus, lucrum, lucuma, murals, rumals, sacrum, saumur, sulcar

5 Letter Words for Muscular

alums, arcus, arums, aurum, calms, camus, carls, carum, carus, cauls, caums, clams, claus, crams, culms, cumal, curas, curls, curua, larum, larus, luaus, malus, marcs, marls, mauls, mucus, mural, muras, murls, musal, musar, musca, ramus, rumal, rusma, sarum, scaul, scaum, scaur, scram, scrum, slaum, sumac, sural, surma, ulcus, ulmus, urals, ursal, usual

4 Letter Words for Muscular

aclu, acus, alms, alum, amur, amus, arcs, arms, arum, aulu, ausu, calm, cals, cams, carl, cars, caul, caum, caus, clam, clar, clum, cram, crum, crus, culm, cums, cura, curl, curs, lacs, lams, lars, laur, laus, luau, lums, lura, lurs, macs, mals, marc, marl, mars, maru, masc, masu, maul, mura, murl, musa, rals, rams, rsum, rucs, rums, rusa, saul, saum, saur, scam, scar, scul, scum, scur, slam, slum, slur, smur, srac, sula, sulu, sura, suum, ulua, ulus, ural, ursa, urus, usar

3 Letter Words for Muscular

alc, als, amu, arc, arm, ars, aru, asl, aul, aum, cal, cam, car, clr, cml, crl, crs, cru, cul, cum, cur, lac, lam, lar, las, lca, lcm, lsc, lum, lur, mac, mal, mar, mas, mau, mls, mrs, msl, mus, ram, ras, rms, ruc, rum, sac, sal, sam, sar, sau, scr, sla, sma, sml, sum, sur, uca, ula, ulu, uma, ums, umu, ura, urs, usa, usu

Definitions for Muscular

[1] of or relating to muscle or the muscles: muscular strain.
[2] dependent on or affected by the muscles: muscular strength.
[3] having well-developed muscles; brawny.
[4] vigorously and forcefully expressed, executed, performed, etc., as if by the use of a great deal of muscular power: a muscular response to terrorism.
[5] broad and energetic, especially with the implication that subtlety and grace are lacking: a muscular style.
[6] reflected in physical activity and work: a muscular religion.
[7] Informal . having or showing power; powerful: a muscular vehicle.
[8] having well-developed muscles; brawny
[9] of, relating to, or consisting of muscle

Words related to Muscular

sinewy, burly, vigorous, sturdy, athletic, powerful, brawny, stout, robust, strapping, wiry, Herculean, able-bodied, fibrous, hefty, husky, lusty, mighty, stalwart, stringy

Words nearby Muscular

muscone, muscovado, muscovite, muscovy, muscovy duck, muscular, muscular anesthesia, muscular asthenopia, muscular dystrophy, muscular layer of mucosa, muscular relaxant

Origin of Muscular

1675–85; < Latin mūscul(us ) muscle + -ar1

Other words from Muscular

mus·cu·lar·i·ty , noun
mus·cu·lar·ly , adverb
in·ter·mus·cu·lar , adjective
in·ter·mus·cu·lar·ly , adverb
in·ter·mus·cu·lar·i·ty , noun
non·mus·cu·lar , adjective
non·mus·cu·lar·ly , adverb
post·mus·cu·lar , adjective
sub·mus·cu·lar , adjective
sub·mus·cu·lar·ly , adverb
un·mus·cu·lar , adjective
un·mus·cu·lar·ly , adverb
muscular adjective

Word origin for Muscular

C17: from New Latin muscularis, from musculus muscle

Synonyms for Muscular

athletic, brawny, burly, powerful, robust, sinewy, stout, strapping, sturdy, vigorous, wiry, able-bodied, bruising, fibrous, hefty, herculean, hulky, husky, lusty, mighty, muscled, powerhouse, pumped up, ripped, ropy, stalwart, stringy, strong, tiger, tough, well-built