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Showing words for MUSCULAR using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Muscular
7 Letter Words for Muscular
6 Letter Words for Muscular
5 Letter Words for Muscular
4 Letter Words for Muscular
3 Letter Words for Muscular
Definitions for Muscular
[1] of or relating to muscle or the muscles: muscular strain.
[2] dependent on or affected by the muscles: muscular strength.
[3] having well-developed muscles; brawny.
[4] vigorously and forcefully expressed, executed, performed, etc., as if by the use of a great deal of muscular power: a muscular response to terrorism.
[5] broad and energetic, especially with the implication that subtlety and grace are lacking: a muscular style.
[6] reflected in physical activity and work: a muscular religion.
[7] Informal . having or showing power; powerful: a muscular vehicle.
[8] having well-developed muscles; brawny
[9] of, relating to, or consisting of muscle
Words related to Muscular
sinewy, burly, vigorous, sturdy, athletic, powerful, brawny, stout, robust, strapping, wiry, Herculean, able-bodied, fibrous, hefty, husky, lusty, mighty, stalwart, stringy
Words nearby Muscular
muscone, muscovado, muscovite, muscovy, muscovy duck, muscular, muscular anesthesia, muscular asthenopia, muscular dystrophy, muscular layer of mucosa, muscular relaxant
Origin of Muscular
1675–85; < Latin mūscul(us ) muscle + -ar1
Other words from Muscular
mus·cu·lar·i·ty , noun
mus·cu·lar·ly , adverb
in·ter·mus·cu·lar , adjective
in·ter·mus·cu·lar·ly , adverb
in·ter·mus·cu·lar·i·ty , noun
non·mus·cu·lar , adjective
non·mus·cu·lar·ly , adverb
post·mus·cu·lar , adjective
sub·mus·cu·lar , adjective
sub·mus·cu·lar·ly , adverb
un·mus·cu·lar , adjective
un·mus·cu·lar·ly , adverb
muscular adjective
Word origin for Muscular
C17: from New Latin muscularis, from musculus muscle
Synonyms for Muscular
athletic, brawny, burly, powerful, robust, sinewy, stout, strapping, sturdy, vigorous, wiry, able-bodied, bruising, fibrous, hefty, herculean, hulky, husky, lusty, mighty, muscled, powerhouse, pumped up, ripped, ropy, stalwart, stringy, strong, tiger, tough, well-built