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Showing words for MUTTON using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Mutton


5 Letter Words for Mutton

mount, muton, notum, totum

4 Letter Words for Mutton

mont, mott, motu, moun, mout, munt, muon, mutt, nott, nout, toun, tout, tuno, unto

3 Letter Words for Mutton

mon, mot, mou, mtn, mun, mut, nom, not, num, nut, ont, out, tnt, tom, ton, tot, tou, tum, tun, tut

Definitions for Mutton

[1] the flesh of sheep, especially full-grown or more mature sheep, used as food.
[2] em(def 2) .
[3] the flesh of sheep, esp of mature sheep, used as food
[4] mutton dressed as lamb an older woman dressed up to look young
[5] printing another word for em (def. 1) Compare nut (def. 12)

Words nearby Mutton

muton, mutsuhito, mutt, mutt and jeff, mutter, mutton, mutton bird, mutton chop, mutton corn, mutton snapper, muttonbird

Origin of Mutton

21935–40; code term, coined to differentiate the pronunciation of em quad from en quad

Other words from Mutton

mut·ton·y , adjective

Word origin for Mutton

C13 moton sheep, from Old French, from Medieval Latin multō, of Celtic origin; the term was adopted in printing to distinguish the pronunciation of em quad from en quad