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Showing words for MYSTIFY using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Mystify
5 Letter Words for Mystify
4 Letter Words for Mystify
3 Letter Words for Mystify
Definitions for Mystify
[1] to perplex (a person) by playing upon the person's credulity; bewilder purposely.
[2] to involve in mystery or obscurity.
[3] to confuse, bewilder, or puzzle
[4] to make mysterious or obscure
Words related to Mystify
confound, stump, perplex, puzzle, baffle, deceive, lie, lick, floor, beat, elude, trick, escape, hoodwink, throw, bamboozle, befog, buffalo
Words nearby Mystify
mystical, mystical theology, mysticete, mysticism, mysticize, mystify, mystique, mysuru, mytacism, myth, myth.
Origin of Mystify
1805–15; < French mystifier, equivalent to mysti- (irregular combining form of mystique mystic or mystère mystery1) + -fier -fy
Other words from Mystify
mys·ti·fi·ca·tion , noun
mys·ti·fied·ly , adverb
mys·ti·fi·er , noun
mys·ti·fy·ing·ly , adverb
o·ver·mys·ti·fi·ca·tion , noun
o·ver·mys·ti·fy , verb (used with object), o·ver·mys·ti·fied, o·ver·mys·ti·fy·ing.
un·mys·ti·fied , adjective
Word origin for Mystify
C19: from French mystifier, from mystère mystery 1 or mystique mystic
Synonyms for Mystify
baffle, confound, deceive, perplex, puzzle, stump, bamboozle, beat, befog, buffalo, elude, escape, floor, hoodwink, lick, lie, throw, trick, fog in