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Showing words for MYSTIQUE using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Mystique
6 Letter Words for Mystique
5 Letter Words for Mystique
4 Letter Words for Mystique
3 Letter Words for Mystique
Definitions for Mystique
[1] a framework of doctrines, ideas, beliefs, or the like, constructed around a person or object, endowing the person or object with enhanced value or profound meaning: the mystique of Poe.
[2] an aura of mystery or mystical power surrounding a particular occupation or pursuit: the mystique of nuclear science.
[3] an aura of mystery, power, and awe that surrounds a person or thing the mystique of the theatre ; the mystique of computer programming
Words related to Mystique
magic, nature, fascination, spell, character, attitude, glamour, charisma, complex, charm, temperament, awe
Words nearby Mystique
mystical theology, mysticete, mysticism, mysticize, mystify, mystique, mysuru, mytacism, myth, myth., mythical
Origin of Mystique
1890–95; < French (adj.); see mystic
Word origin for Mystique
C20: from French (adj): mystic
Synonyms for Mystique
attitude, awe, character, charisma, charm, complex, fascination, glamour, magic, nature, spell, temperament