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Showing words for NAB using the English dictionary
3 Letter Words for Nab
abn, ban, nab
Definitions for Nab
[1] to arrest or capture.
[2] to catch or seize, especially suddenly.
[3] to snatch or steal.
[4] Also N.A.B. National Association of Broadcasters.
[5] New American Bible.
[6] to arrest
[7] to catch (someone) in wrongdoing
[8] to seize suddenly; snatch
Words related to Nab
cop, capture, apprehend, clutch, snatch, nail, arrest, take, catch, grab, detain
Words nearby Nab
naa, naacp, naafi, naan, naartjie, nab, nabal, nabataea, nabataean, nabe, naberezhnye chelny
Origin of Nab
1675–85; earlier nap; perhaps < Scandinavian; compare Danish nappe, Norwegian, Swedish nappa to snatch
Other words from Nab
nab·ber , noun
Word origin for Nab
C17: perhaps of Scandinavian origin; compare Danish nappe, Swedish nappa to snatch. See kidnap
Synonyms for Nab
apprehend, arrest, capture, catch, clutch, cop, detain, grab, nail, snatch, take, pick up, run in, take into custody