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Showing words for NAZIS using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Nazis
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3 Letter Words for Nazis
Definitions for Nazis
[1] a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, which controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler and advocated totalitarian government, territorial expansion, anti-Semitism, and Aryan supremacy, all these leading directly to World War II and the Holocaust.
[2] (often lowercase ) a person elsewhere who holds similar views.
[3] (often lowercase ) Sometimes Offensive . a person who is fanatically dedicated to or seeks to regulate a specified activity, practice, etc.: a jazz nazi who disdains other forms of music; health nazis trying to ban junk food.
[4] of or relating to the Nazis.
[5] a member of the fascist National Socialist German Workers' Party, which was founded in 1919 and seized political control in Germany in 1933 under Adolf Hitler
[6] derogatory anyone who thinks or acts like a Nazi, esp showing racism, brutality, etc
[7] of, characteristic of, or relating to the Nazis
Words related to Nazis
Naziautocrat, tyrant, authoritarian, totalitarian, Nazi
Origin of Nazis
Nazi1925–30; < German Nazi , short for Nationalsozialist National Socialist
Other words from Nazis
an·ti-Na·zi , noun, adjective
Word origin for Nazis
NaziC20: from German, phonetic spelling of the first two syllables of Nationalsozialist National Socialist