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Showing words for NECROMANCY using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Necromancy


9 Letter Words for Necromancy


8 Letter Words for Necromancy


7 Letter Words for Necromancy

acronyc, acronym, anemony, annoyer, anonyme, anymore, caconym, cannery, canonry, conacre, concern, corance, cremona, maconne, meccano, moneran, nomancy, noyance, rayonne, reannoy, romance, romancy, romneya

6 Letter Words for Necromancy

amorce, ancome, ancone, ancony, anomer, anonym, anyone, camery, cancer, canner, canroy, canyon, carmen, carone, ceroma, conman, conner, conrey, cornea, crance, craney, cranny, crayon, creamy, earcon, enamor, encomy, macron, manner, meacon, moaner, monera, morena, mornay, noance, nonary, norman, occamy, ocracy, oreman, romany, romney, yarnen, yeoman, yonner

5 Letter Words for Necromancy

accoy, acone, acorn, acron, aeron, ancon, ancor, ancre, annoy, anorn, anyon, cameo, caner, canny, canoe, canon, carey, carne, carny, carom, comae, comer, concn, coner, conne, conny, coram, coran, corey, corny, coyan, coyer, crame, crane, crany, craye, crcao, cream, crecy, crena, crome, crone, crony, cyano, cymar, emony, emory, enarm, encyc, ennoy, enorm, enorn, enray, macco, macer, macon, macro, maney, manny, manoc, manor, marco, maroc, maron, mayor, mccoy, meany, mecca, mecon, mercy, moner, money, monny, morae, moray, morne, moyen, myron, nacre, nacry, namer, nance, nancy, narco, necro, nomen, nonce, nonya, norma, norna, occam, ocean, ocrea, oncer, onery, oracy, racon, ramen, ramon, rance, ranny, rayne, rayon, reamy, recco, reccy, recon, reman, renay, roman, ronne, royne, yamen, yearn, yomer

4 Letter Words for Necromancy

acce, acer, acme, acne, acor, acre, aero, amen, amon, amor, amoy, ance, anne, anno, anon, anre, arco, aren, army, arno, ayen, ayme, ayne, ayre, cace, came, camo, canc, cane, cann, cany, caon, care, carn, ceca, cera, cern, cero, coca, coma, come, comr, conc, cone, conn, cony, cora, core, corm, corn, cory, coyn, cram, cran, cray, croc, croy, cyan, cyma, cyme, cyon, earn, eccm, ecco, econ, enam, ency, eoan, eyra, mace, maco, mane, mano, many, marc, mare, maro, mary, mayo, mean, mear, meno, meny, merc, mero, moan, moca, mona, mone, mony, mora, more, morn, moya, mrna, myna, nace, name, nane, narc, nare, nary, near, nema, nemn, nemo, neon, noma, nome, nona, none, nore, norm, norn, oary, oman, omen, omer, onca, once, oner, onym, orae, oran, orca, orna, oyer, race, racy, rame, rane, rann, ream, rean, renn, reno, reny, roam, roan, roey, roma, rome, rone, ryen, ryme, yare, yarm, yarn, yean, year, yeom, yern, ymca, yore

3 Letter Words for Necromancy

acc, ace, acy, aer, ame, amy, anc, ane, ann, any, aor, arc, are, arm, arn, ary, aye, ayr, cam, can, car, cay, ccm, cen, ceo, cer, com, con, cor, coy, crc, cro, cry, cyc, eam, ean, ear, ecc, ecm, eco, emo, enc, eom, eon, era, ern, eyn, eyr, mac, mae, man, mao, mar, may, mea, men, mer, mna, moa, moc, moe, mon, mor, moy, mya, myc, nae, nam, nar, nay, nco, nea, neo, nne, noa, nom, non, nor, noy, nye, oam, oar, oca, oer, ona, one, ony, ora, orc, ore, ory, oye, ram, ran, ray, rea, rec, rem, rna, roc, roe, rom, ron, rya, rye, yam, yan, yar, yea, yen, yeo, yer, yoe, yom, yon, yor

Definitions for Necromancy

[1] a method of divination through alleged communication with the dead; black art.
[2] magic in general, especially that practiced by a witch or sorcerer; sorcery; witchcraft; conjuration.
[3] the art or practice of supposedly conjuring up the dead, esp in order to obtain from them knowledge of the future
[4] black magic; sorcery

Words related to Necromancy

hocus-pocus, spell, magic, thaumaturgy, incantation, enchantment, witchcraft, abracadabra, jinx, voodoo, alchemy, charm, mysticism, divination, devilry, witchery, occultism, bewitchment, wizardry, conjuring

Words nearby Necromancy

necrogenic, necrogenic wart, necrolatry, necrology, necrolysis, necromancy, necromania, necromimesis, necrophagous, necrophilia, necrophilism

Origin of Necromancy

1250–1300; necro- + -mancy; replacing Middle English nigromancie < Medieval Latin nigromantīa for Late Latin necromantīa < Greek nekromanteía; by folk etymology nigro- (combining form of Latin niger black) was substituted in ML for original necro-

Other words from Necromancy

nec·ro·man·cer , noun
nec·ro·man·tic ; Obsolete , nec·ro·man·ti·cal , adjective
nec·ro·man·ti·cal·ly , adverb

Word origin for Necromancy

C13: (as in sense 1) ultimately from Greek nekromanteia , from nekros corpse; (as in sense 2) from Medieval Latin nigromantia , from Latin niger black, which replaced necro- through folk etymology

Synonyms for Necromancy

abracadabra, alchemy, bewitchment, charm, conjuring, devilry, divination, enchantment, hocus-pocus, incantation, jinx, magic, mysticism, occultism, spell, thaumaturgy, voodoo, witchcraft, witchery, witching, wizardry, black art, black magic, evil eye, mumbo jumbo