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Showing words for NEGLECT using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Neglect
6 Letter Words for Neglect
5 Letter Words for Neglect
4 Letter Words for Neglect
3 Letter Words for Neglect
Definitions for Neglect
[1] to pay no attention or too little attention to; disregard or slight: The public neglected his genius for many years.
[2] to be remiss in the care or treatment of: to neglect one's family; to neglect one's appearance.
[3] to omit, through indifference or carelessness: to neglect to reply to an invitation.
[4] to fail to carry out or perform (orders, duties, etc.): to neglect the household chores.
[5] to fail to take or use: to neglect no precaution.
[6] an act or instance of neglecting; disregard; negligence: The neglect of the property was shameful.
[7] the fact or state of being neglected: a beauty marred by neglect.
[8] to fail to give due care, attention, or time to to neglect a child
[9] to fail (to do something) through thoughtlessness or carelessness he neglected to tell her
[10] to ignore or disregard she neglected his frantic signals
[11] lack of due care or attention; negligence the child starved through neglect
[12] the act or an instance of neglecting or the state of being neglected
Words related to Neglect
disrespect, carelessness, indifference, oversight, lapse, dereliction, negligence, spurn, overlook, ignore, discount, underestimate, reject, disregard, discard, bypass, inadvertence, slight, laxness, inattention
Words nearby Neglect
negaton, negator, negatory, negatron, negev, neglect, neglectful, negligee, negligence, negligent, negligible
Origin of Neglect
1520–30; < Latin neglēctus, variant of neclēctus (past participle of neglegere, neclegere to disregard, ignore, slight), equivalent to nec not + leg-, base of legere to pick up + -tus past participle suffix
Other words from Neglect
ne·glect·ed·ly , adverb
ne·glect·ed·ness , noun
ne·glect·er , ne·glec·tor , noun
o·ver·ne·glect , verb (used with object)
pre·ne·glect , verb (used with object)
qua·si-ne·glect·ed , adjective
self-ne·glect , adjective
self-ne·glect·ing , adjective
un·ne·glect·ed , adjective
Word origin for Neglect
C16: from Latin neglegere to neglect, from nec not + legere to select
Synonyms for Neglect
carelessness, disrespect, indifference, oversight, coolness, delinquency, disdain, heedlessness, inadvertence, inattention, inconsideration, laxity, laxness, scorn, slight, thoughtlessness, unconcern, disregardance