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Showing words for NEMEAN using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Nemean
5 Letter Words for Nemean
ameen, amene, emane, enema, meane
4 Letter Words for Nemean
amen, anne, enam, mane, mean, mene, name, nane, neem, nema, nemn, nene
3 Letter Words for Nemean
ame, ane, ann, eam, ean, een, eme, ene, mae, man, mea, mee, men, mna, nae, nam, nea, nee, nne
Definitions for Nemean
[1] a valley in SE Greece, in ancient Argolis.
[2] of or relating to the valley of Nemea in ancient Greece or its inhabitants
[3] (in ancient Greece) a valley in N Argolis in the NE Peloponnese; site of the Nemean Games, a Panhellenic festival and athletic competition held every other year
Other words from Nemean
Ne·me·an [ni-mee -uh n, nee -mee-] /nɪˈmi ən, ˈni mi-/ , adjective