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Showing words for NEO using the English dictionary
3 Letter Words for Neo
eon, neo, one
Definitions for Neo
[1] near-earth object.
[2] a combining form meaning “new,” “recent,” “revived,” “modified,” used in the formation of compound words: neo-Darwinism; Neolithic; neoorthodoxy; neophyte.
[3] Chemistry . a combining form used in the names of isomers having a carbon atom attached to four carbon atoms: neoarsphenamine.
[4] (sometimes capital) new, recent, or a new or modern form or development neoclassicism ; neocolonialism
[5] (usually capital) the most recent subdivision of a geological period Neogene
Origin of Neo
-< Greek, combining form of néos; akin to new
Word origin for Neo
-from Greek neos new