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Showing words for NEWFOUNDLAND using the English dictionary

12 Letter Words for Newfoundland


9 Letter Words for Newfoundland

nonfeudal, nonflawed, nonfunded, unfondled

8 Letter Words for Newfoundland

downdale, downland, duneland, duodenal, newfound, undawned, undowned, unfanned, unflawed, unfoaled, unfolded, unfolden, unlanded, unloaded, unloaden, unloaned, unnaneld

7 Letter Words for Newfoundland

afounde, donnean, duodena, enwound, fenland, flanned, flannen, flodden, fondled, fondued, founded, lounded, lownded, noduled, nondeaf, nonfuel, unaflow, unalone, unawned, undflow, unfaded, unfelon, unflead, unflown, unladed, unladen, unlawed, unowned, unwaded, unwaned, wounded

6 Letter Words for Newfoundland

adnoun, annule, annwfn, dandle, dawdle, dawned, deflow, defoul, defund, delawn, donald, donned, douane, doudle, dowlne, downed, duenna, dunned, enfold, enfoul, enodal, ewound, faddle, fanded, fanned, fannel, fannon, fawned, feddan, feodal, feudal, flaune, flawed, flowed, foaled, folded, folden, fonded, fondle, fondue, fonned, fouled, fowled, fuddle, fundal, funded, funned, funnel, landed, lauded, lawned, lennow, loaded, loaden, loafed, loaned, louden, louned, lowned, ludden, nalfon, nandow, noddle, nodule, nonane, nonfan, noulde, nounal, nuddle, nunned, ondule, unawed, undead, undeaf, undean, undone, unfold, unfond, unlade, unland, unlead, unleaf, unlean, unload, unowed, unweal, unweld, waddle, waeful, wandle, wanned, wannel, wauled, woaded, woeful, wolfed, wolfen, wonned, wouldn, woulfe

5 Letter Words for Newfoundland

addle, addnl, adolf, adown, aflow, afoul, alden, alenu, aloed, alone, aloud, alowe, anded, anend, annul, annwn, anode, anole, auden, awful, awned, daled, dawed, dawen, dedal, delaw, denda, dewal, dewan, doand, doled, donna, donne, doula, dowed, dowel, dowle, downa, dunal, dunne, dunno, duole, dwale, eland, endow, faded, faden, falun, fanon, fauld, felon, flane, flawn, fload, flowe, flown, flued, fodda, fonda, foule, found, fulwa, laded, laden, lande, laude, laudo, laund, lawed, lenad, loden, lound, lowan, lowed, lownd, lowne, lunda, naled, nandu, nawle, nodal, noded, nonda, nould, noule, nowed, nowel, olden, olena, onned, owled, owned, ulnad, ulnae, unadd, unden, undon, unfed, unfew, unlaw, unled, unnew, unode, unold, unown, unwan, unwed, unwon, waded, waefu, waldo, waled, waned, wanle, weald, woald, wodan, woden, wonna, would, wound, wunna

4 Letter Words for Newfoundland

addn, aden, adod, adon, alef, alen, alew, alod, aloe, alow, anew, anne, anno, anon, anow, aune, awdl, awed, awfu, dade, dado, dale, dalf, dalo, dand, dane, danu, daud, daun, dauw, dawd, dawe, dawn, dead, deaf, deal, dean, deaw, deda, dedo, delf, deul, doen, dola, dole, dolf, dona, done, doua, dowd, dowf, dowl, down, duad, dual, duan, dude, dued, duel, dule, dune, edda, eddo, elan, elod, endo, enol, enow, enuf, eoan, euda, fade, fado, fand, fane, fano, faon, faun, fawe, fawn, feal, fedn, fend, feod, feud, flan, flaw, flea, fled, flew, floe, flon, flow, flue, foal, foen, fold, fole, fond, fone, foud, foul, foun, fowl, fuel, fula, fund, lade, laen, land, lane, laud, lauf, laun, lawn, lead, leaf, lean, leda, lena, lend, leno, leon, leud, lewd, load, loaf, loan, lode, loed, lond, lone, loud, loun, lowa, lowe, lown, lude, ludo, luna, lund, lune, lunn, nael, nale, nane, neaf, neal, neon, node, noel, nold, nole, nona, none, noul, noun, nowl, nown, nuda, nude, odal, odea, odel, olea, ould, owed, udal, udon, ulan, ulna, unal, unda, unde, undo, wadd, wade, wald, wale, wand, wane, wauf, waul, weal, wean, weld, wend, woad, woan, wode, wold, wolf, wone, wouf

3 Letter Words for Newfoundland

add, ade, ado, afd, ald, ale, alf, aln, alo, alw, and, ane, ann, anu, aud, auf, aul, awd, awe, awl, awn, dad, dae, dal, dan, dao, dau, daw, dea, ded, def, del, den, dew, dle, dna, doa, dod, doe, dol, don, dow, dud, due, dun, duo, ead, ean, eau, edd, edo, efl, ela, eld, elf, end, enl, eof, eon, fad, fan, fao, faw, fed, fen, feu, few, fld, flo, flu, fod, foe, fol, fon, fou, fow, fud, fun, fwd, lad, lan, lao, law, lea, led, leo, leu, lew, loa, lod, loe, lof, low, lud, lue, luo, nad, nae, naf, naw, nea, ned, nef, neo, new, nne, nnw, noa, nod, nol, non, now, nul, nun, oad, oaf, oda, odd, ode, ola, old, ole, ona, one, oud, ouf, owd, owe, owl, own, udo, ufa, ufo, ula, ule, una, unl, unn, wad, wae, waf, wan, wed, wef, wen, woa, wod, woe, won, wud, wun

Definitions for Newfoundland

[1] a large island in E Canada. 42,734 sq. mi. (110,680 sq. km).
[2] a province in E Canada, composed of Newfoundland island and Labrador. 155,364 sq. mi. (402,390 sq. km). Capital : St. John's.
[3] one of a breed of large, powerful dogs having a dense, oily, usually black coat, raised originally in Newfoundland.
[4] an island of E Canada, separated from the mainland by the Strait of Belle Isle: with the Coast of Labrador, forms the province of Newfoundland and Labrador; consists of a rugged plateau with the Long Range Mountains in the west. Area: 110 681 sq km (42 734 sq miles)
[5] the former name for Newfoundland and Labrador
[6] a very large heavy breed of dog similar to a Saint Bernard with a flat coarse usually black coat