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Showing words for NICENESS using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Niceness

incenses, niceness

7 Letter Words for Niceness

incense, insense

6 Letter Words for Niceness

censes, cinene, ecesis, inness, nessie, nicene, nieces, scenes, seines, sensei

5 Letter Words for Niceness

cense, cesse, cines, ensis, esnes, essen, insee, nenes, niece, nines, nisse, scene, seine, seise, sence, sense, sices, siens, since, sines, snees, snies

4 Letter Words for Niceness

cees, cene, cens, cess, cine, eine, enes, ense, eses, esne, esse, ices, inne, inns, nein, nene, nese, ness, nice, nies, nine, nsec, scsi, secs, seen, sees, seis, sene, sens, sese, sice, sics, sien, sine, sins, sise, snee

3 Letter Words for Niceness

cee, cen, cie, cis, cns, csi, eec, een, enc, ene, ens, esc, ese, ess, ice, inc, inn, ins, ise, isn, nee, nei, nie, nis, nne, sci, sec, see, sei, sen, sic, sie, sin, sis, sse

Definitions for Niceness

[1] pleasing; agreeable; delightful: a nice visit.
[2] amiably pleasant; kind: They are always nice to strangers.
[3] characterized by, showing, or requiring great accuracy, precision, skill, tact, care, or delicacy: nice workmanship; a nice shot; a nice handling of a crisis.
[4] showing or indicating very small differences; minutely accurate, as instruments: a job that requires nice measurements.
[5] minute, fine, or subtle: a nice distinction.
[6] having or showing delicate, accurate perception: a nice sense of color.
[7] refined in manners, language, etc.: Nice people wouldn't do such things.
[8] virtuous; respectable; decorous: a nice girl.
[9] suitable or proper: That was not a nice remark.
[10] carefully neat in dress, habits, etc.
[11] (especially of food) dainty or delicate.
[12] having fastidious, finicky, or fussy tastes: They're much too nice in their dining habits to enjoy an outdoor barbecue.
[13] Obsolete . coy, shy, or reluctant.
[14] Obsolete . unimportant; trivial.
[15] Obsolete . wanton.
[16] make nice , to behave in a friendly, ingratiating, or conciliatory manner.
[17] nice and , sufficiently: It's nice and warm in here.
[18] pleasant or commendable a nice day
[19] kind or friendly a nice gesture of help
[20] good or satisfactory they made a nice job of it
[21] subtle, delicate, or discriminating a nice point in the argument
[22] precise; skilful a nice fit
[23] rare fastidious; respectable he was not too nice about his methods
[24] obsolete foolish or ignorant delicate shy; modest wanton
[25] nice and pleasingly it's nice and cool
[26] a city in SE France, on the Mediterranean: a leading resort of the French Riviera; founded by Phocaeans from Marseille in about the 3rd century bc . Pop: 342 738 (1999)
[27] (in Britain) National Institute for Clinical Excellence: a body established in 1999 to provide authoritative guidance on current best practice in medicine and to promote high-quality cost-effective medical treatment in the NHS

Words related to Niceness

niceexactitude, surety, precision, taste, prudence, tact, discernment, refinement, care, politeness

Words nearby Niceness

nicenicaean, nicam, nicaragua, nicaraguan, niccolite, nice, nice guys finish last, nice nelly, nice-looking, nice-nelly, nice-nellyism

Origin of Niceness

1250–1300; Middle English: foolish, stupid < Old French: silly, simple < Latin nescius ignorant, incapable, equivalent to ne- negative prefix + sci- (stem of scīre to know; see science) + -us adj. suffix

Words that may be confused with Niceness

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, nicenice, niceness, nicety, nice, Nice, gneiss, nice, (see, usage, note, at, the, current, entry)

Other words from Niceness

nice·ly , adverb
nice·ness , noun
o·ver·nice , adjective
o·ver·nice·ly , adverb
o·ver·nice·ness , noun
un·nice , adjective
un·nice·ly , adverb
un·nice·ness , noun

Word origin for Niceness

C13 (originally: foolish): from Old French nice simple, silly, from Latin nescius ignorant, from nescīre to be ignorant; see nescience

Synonyms for Niceness

exactitude, precision, surety