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Showing words for NIGHTHAWK using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Nighthawk


7 Letter Words for Nighthawk

hawking, thawing, whatkin

6 Letter Words for Nighthawk

ahhing, anight, athing, athink, hating, hawing, hawkit, kawing, khatin, knight, taking, tawing, tawkin, waking

5 Letter Words for Nighthawk

ahigh, ahing, ahint, aking, anigh, ating, atwin, awing, awink, ghain, giant, haint, haith, hankt, hathi, hiant, hight, ignaw, kaing, kiang, kight, kinah, naght, night, tahin, takhi, takin, tangi, thagi, thank, thawn, thigh, thing, think, tiang, twain, twang, twank, twink, whang, whank, whing, wigan, wight, witan

4 Letter Words for Nighthawk

agin, agit, agni, aint, aith, akin, ankh, anti, awin, gain, gait, gant, gath, gawk, gawn, ghat, gink, gith, gnat, gnaw, hagi, haik, hain, hait, hang, hani, hank, hant, hath, hawk, high, hing, hint, hwan, ikan, ikat, inga, inta, kain, kang, kant, kath, kati, khan, khat, kina, king, kith, knag, knaw, knit, kwai, kwan, nagi, naig, naik, nawt, ngai, nigh, taig, tain, taki, tang, tanh, tank, tawn, thai, thak, than, thaw, thig, thin, tika, ting, tink, twig, twin, wagh, waik, wain, wait, wang, wank, want, wath, whan, what, whig, whin, whit, wing, wink, wint, with

3 Letter Words for Nighthawk

agt, ahh, ahi, aik, ain, ait, ant, awk, awn, gan, gat, gaw, gin, git, hag, hak, han, hat, haw, hgt, hia, hin, hit, hwt, ign, ing, ink, int, ita, iwa, kai, kan, kat, kaw, kha, khi, kin, kit, kwa, nag, nah, nak, nat, naw, nig, nit, nth, tag, tai, tak, tan, taw, tgn, tha, tig, tin, tng, twa, twi, wag, wah, wan, wat, wha, wig, win, wit

Definitions for Nighthawk

[1] any of several longwinged, American goatsuckers of the genus Chordeiles, related to the whippoorwill, especially C. minor, having variegated black, white, and buff plumage.
[2] the European goatsucker or nightjar, Caprimulgus europaeus.
[3] Informal . a person who is habitually up or moving about late at night; night owl.
[4] Also called: bullbat , mosquito hawk any American nightjar of the genus Chordeiles and related genera, having a dark plumage and, in the male, white patches on the wings and tail
[5] informal another name for night owl

Words related to Nighthawk

libertine, rake, waster, lecher, wastrel, reprobate, prodigal, degenerate, operator, good-for-nothing, debauchee, swinger, abandoned, corrupt, debauched, depraved, dissipated, evil, fast, intemperate

Words nearby Nighthawk

nightclub, nightdress, nightfall, nightglow, nightgown, nighthawk, nightie, nightingale, nightingale ward, nightingale, florence, nightjar

Origin of Nighthawk

First recorded in 1605–15; night + hawk1

Synonyms for Nighthawk

abandoned, corrupt, debauched, degenerate, depraved, dissipated, evil, fast, fast and loose, gone bad, high living, in the fast lane, intemperate, lascivious, lax, lecherous, lewd, libertine, licentious, light, loose, night owl, on the take, open, player, profligate, raffish, rakish, reprobate, slack, swift, sybaritic, unconstrained, unprincipled, unrestrained, vicious, wanton, wayward, wicked, wild