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Showing words for NONPLUS using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Nonplus
6 Letter Words for Nonplus
5 Letter Words for Nonplus
4 Letter Words for Nonplus
3 Letter Words for Nonplus
Definitions for Nonplus
[1] to render utterly perplexed; puzzle completely.
[2] a state of utter perplexity.
[3] (tr) to put at a loss; confound he was nonplussed by the sudden announcement
[4] a state of utter perplexity prohibiting action or speech
Words related to Nonplus
mystify, dumbfound, bewilder, faze, disconcert, astound, baffle, astonish, daze, fluster, discountenance, stump, rattle, puzzle, confound, thwart, boggle, paralyze, stymie, stun
Words nearby Nonplus
nonpersistent, nonperson, nonphysical, nonplayer character, nonplaying, nonplus, nonpoint, nonpoisonous, nonpolar, nonpolitical, nonpolluting
Origin of Nonplus
1575–85; (noun) < Latin nōn plūs literally, not more, no further, i.e., a state in which nothing more can be done
Word origin for Nonplus
C16: from Latin nōn plūs no further (that is, nothing further can be said or done)
Synonyms for Nonplus
astonish, astound, baffle, bewilder, daze, disconcert, dumbfound, faze, fluster, mystify, balk, beat, boggle, buffalo, confound, discomfit, discountenance, dismay, embarrass, floor, flurry, frustrate, get, muddle, overcome, paralyze, puzzle, rattle, stagger, stick, stump, stun, stymie, throw, thwart, mess with one's head, rattle one's cage, take aback, throw into tizzy