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Showing words for NONSTOP using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Nonstop
6 Letter Words for Nonstop
5 Letter Words for Nonstop
4 Letter Words for Nonstop
3 Letter Words for Nonstop
Definitions for Nonstop
[1] being without a single stop en route: a nonstop bus; a nonstop flight from New York to Paris.
[2] happening, done, or held without a stop or pause or without offering relief or respite: The ambassador faced a nonstop schedule of meetings and interviews during her visit.
[3] without a single stop en route.
[4] Informal . without a pause or interruption or without respite; continually: My back ached nonstop for three days.
[5] a long-distance airline flight that makes no stops between the starting point and the destination.
[6] done without pause or interruption a nonstop flight
Words related to Nonstop
round-the-clock, constant, ceaseless, steady, incessant, unending, uninterrupted, interminable, relentless, unbroken, endless, unfaltering, unremitting
Words nearby Nonstop
nonstarter, nonstative, nonsteroidal, nonstick, nonstoichiometric, nonstop, nonstrategic, nonstriated, nonsuch, nonsuch palace, nonsuit
Origin of Nonstop
First recorded in 1900–05; non- + stop
Synonyms for Nonstop
ceaseless, constant, endless, incessant, interminable, relentless, round-the-clock, steady, unbroken, unending, uninterrupted, unfaltering, unremitting