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Showing words for NOOSE using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Noose

noose, osone

4 Letter Words for Noose

eons, noes, nose, ones, oons, oose, sone, soon

3 Letter Words for Noose

ens, eon, eos, neo, noo, nos, oes, one, ono, ons, oon, oos, ose, sen, son

Definitions for Noose

[1] a loop with a running knot, as in a snare, lasso, or hangman's halter, that tightens as the rope is pulled.
[2] a tie or bond; snare.
[3] to secure by or as by a noose.
[4] to make a noose with or in (a rope or the like).
[5] a loop in the end of a rope or cord, such as a lasso, snare, or hangman's halter, usually tied with a slipknot
[6] something that restrains, binds, or traps
[7] put one's head in a noose to bring about one's own downfall
[8] to secure or catch in or as if in a noose
[9] to make a noose of or in

Words related to Noose

lariat, hitch, trap, tie, snare, lasso

Words nearby Noose

nooning, noontide, noontime, noordbrabant, noordholland, noose, noosphere, nootka, nootka fir, nootka sound, nootropic

Origin of Noose

1400–50; late Middle English nose < ?

Other words from Noose

noos·er , noun
un·noosed , adjective

Word origin for Noose

C15: perhaps from Provençal nous, from Latin nōdus node

Synonyms for Noose

hitch, lariat, lasso, snare, tie, trap