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Showing words for NORMALITY using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Normality

normality, trionymal

8 Letter Words for Normality

matronly, minatory, molarity, molinary, monitary, morality, torminal

7 Letter Words for Normality

alimony, almonry, marilyn, orality, riantly, tailory, tormina, trional, trionym, tyramin

6 Letter Words for Normality

aliyot, almoin, amylin, amylon, amyrin, amyrol, aroint, aroynt, artily, atimon, ironly, latino, lation, latomy, latron, litany, lomita, lontar, lyonia, mainly, mainor, maloti, manito, manoir, marlin, martin, matily, matron, milano, milton, minora, mitral, molary, monial, montia, morian, mornay, mortal, motrin, myrtal, myrtol, naitly, nitryl, nomial, normal, notary, nytril, oilman, onymal, ortman, ramtil, ration, rialto, rialty, romani, romany, tailor, talion, taminy, taoyin, taylor, tomial, tornal, toyman, traily, trainy, trimly, trinal, trinol, tylari, tylion, tyloma, tyrian, tyroma, yorlin

5 Letter Words for Normality

ality, almon, aloin, altin, amino, amity, amnio, amort, amrit, amylo, animo, anoil, anoli, ariot, armil, armin, armit, artly, atimy, atomy, atony, ayont, inarm, inlay, inoma, inrol, intra, intro, iortn, irony, italy, lairy, laity, lamin, larin, laron, latin, laton, latro, liart, liman, linty, lirot, litra, loamy, lomta, loran, lotan, lyart, maint, malto, malty, manit, manly, manor, manto, manty, maori, marli, marly, maron, matin, matlo, maynt, mayor, milan, milor, milty, minar, minor, minot, minty, mirly, mitra, moira, moity, molar, monal, monty, moral, morat, moray, moria, morin, morta, mylar, myron, naily, nairy, naomi, nilot, niota, nirly, nitro, nitry, noily, nomia, noria, norit, norma, notal, nymil, omani, omina, onlay, ontal, orant, oriya, otary, rainy, ramin, ramon, ranli, ranty, ratio, rayon, riant, rimal, riyal, roily, romal, roman, rotal, rotan, royal, taily, taino, tairn, talio, talon, tamil, tamin, tarin, tayir, timar, timon, timor, tirma, tirol, tolan, tolar, toman, tomia, tomin, tonal, toral, toran, torma, trail, train, trial, trina, triol, trona, tryma, tyran, tyrol, yarto, ymolt, yomin

4 Letter Words for Normality

aint, aion, airn, airt, airy, alin, alto, amil, amin, amit, amli, amon, amor, amoy, amyl, anil, anim, anti, aoli, aril, army, arni, arno, arty, aryl, atli, atmo, atom, atry, ayin, ilot, iman, inly, inro, inta, intl, into, intr, iota, iran, iron, ital, itmo, iyar, lain, lair, lait, lant, lari, larn, lati, liar, lima, limn, limo, limy, lina, lino, lint, liny, lion, lira, loam, loan, loin, loir, loma, lora, lori, lorn, lory, lota, loti, loyn, lyam, lyon, lyra, mail, main, mair, mali, malo, malt, mani, mano, mant, many, maoi, mari, marl, maro, mart, mary, maty, mayo, mian, mila, milo, milt, mino, mint, miny, miro, miry, mity, moan, moat, moil, moir, moit, mola, molt, moly, mona, mont, mony, mora, morn, mort, mota, moya, moyl, mrna, myal, myna, myrt, nail, naio, naoi, nary, natl, nato, natr, nirl, nito, noil, noir, nolt, noma, nori, norm, nota, oary, oaty, oily, oint, olam, oman, omit, omni, only, onym, oral, oran, orly, orna, rail, rain, rait, rami, rant, rato, rial, rima, rimy, riot, rita, roam, roan, roil, roin, roit, roma, ront, rota, roti, rotl, royt, ryal, rynt, ryot, tail, tain, tali, tari, tarn, taro, tiao, tiar, tiny, tirl, toil, tola, tony, tori, torn, tram, tray, trim, trin, trio, trna, tron, troy, tyin, tyro, yair, yali, yarl, yarm, yarn, yati, yilt, yirm, yirn, ymir, yoni, yont

3 Letter Words for Normality

ail, aim, ain, air, ait, aln, alo, alt, aly, ami, amt, amy, ant, any, aor, arm, arn, art, ary, atm, ayr, iao, ilo, imo, int, ion, ira, ita, iyo, lai, lam, lan, lao, lar, lat, lay, lim, lin, lir, lit, lnr, loa, lor, lot, loy, ltm, ltr, lym, lyn, mal, man, mao, mar, mat, may, mia, mil, min, mir, mit, mna, moa, moi, mol, mon, mor, mot, moy, mri, mtn, mya, nam, nar, nat, nay, nil, nim, nit, noa, nol, nom, nor, not, noy, oam, oar, oat, oil, ola, olm, ona, oni, ont, ony, ora, orl, ort, ory, rai, ram, ran, rat, ray, ria, rim, rin, rio, rit, rly, rna, roi, rom, ron, rot, rti, rya, tai, tal, tam, tan, tao, tar, tay, til, tim, tin, tln, tlo, tlr, toa, toi, tol, tom, ton, tor, toy, tra, tri, trm, try, tyr, yam, yan, yar, yat, yin, yoi, yom, yon, yor, yot

Definitions for Normality

[1] conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
[2] serving to establish a standard.
[3] Psychology . approximately average in any psychological trait, as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment. free from any mental disorder; sane.
[4] Biology , Medicine/Medical . free from any infection or other form of disease or malformation, or from experimental therapy or manipulation. of natural occurrence.
[5] Mathematics . being at right angles, as a line; perpendicular. of the nature of or pertaining to a mathematical normal. (of an orthogonal system of real functions) defined so that the integral of the square of the absolute value of any function is 1. (of a topological space) having the property that corresponding to every pair of disjoint closed sets are two disjoint open sets, each containing one of the closed sets. (of a subgroup) having the property that the same set of elements results when all the elements of the subgroup are operated on consistently on the left and consistently on the right by any element of the group; invariant.
[6] Chemistry . (of a solution) containing one equivalent weight of the constituent in question in one liter of solution. pertaining to an aliphatic hydrocarbon having a straight unbranched carbon chain, each carbon atom of which is joined to no more than two other carbon atoms. of or relating to a neutral salt in which any replaceable hydroxyl groups or hydrogen atoms have been replaced by other groups or atoms, as sodium sulfate, Na2 SO4 .
[7] the average or mean: Production may fall below normal.
[8] the standard or type.
[9] Mathematics . a perpendicular line or plane, especially one perpendicular to a tangent line of a curve, or a tangent plane of a surface, at the point of contact. the portion of this perpendicular line included between its point of contact with the curve and the x- axis.
[10] usual; regular; common; typical the normal way of doing it ; the normal level
[11] constituting a standard if we take this as normal
[12] psychol being within certain limits of intelligence, educational success or ability, etc conforming to the conventions of one's group
[13] biology med (of laboratory animals) maintained in a natural state for purposes of comparison with animals treated with drugs, etc
[14] chem (of a solution) containing a number of grams equal to the equivalent weight of the solute in each litre of solvent Symbol: N
[15] chem denoting a straight-chain hydrocarbon: a normal alkane . Prefix: n-, e.g. n- octane
[16] geometry another word for perpendicular (def. 1)
[17] the usual, average, or typical state, degree, form, etc
[18] anything that is normal
[19] geometry a line or plane perpendicular to another line or plane or to the tangent of a curved line or plane at the point of contact

Words related to Normality

normalordinariness, uniformity, normalcy, commonality, regularity, commonness, averageness, soundness, balance

Words nearby Normality

normalnorland, norleucine, norm, norm., norma, normal, normal antibody, normal antitoxin, normal curve, normal distribution, normal distribution curve

Origin of Normality

1520–30; < Latin normālis made according to a carpenter's square, equivalent to norm(a ) (see norm) + -ālis -al1

Other words from Normality

nor·mal·i·ty , nor·mal·ness , noun
an·ti·nor·mal , adjective
an·ti·nor·mal·ness , noun
an·ti·nor·mal·i·ty , noun
half-nor·mal , adjective
half-nor·mal·ly , adverb
hy·per·nor·mal , adjective
hy·per·nor·mal·ly , adverb
hy·per·nor·mal·ness , noun
hy·per·nor·mal·i·ty , noun
non·nor·mal , adjective
non·nor·mal·ly , adverb
non·nor·mal·ness , noun
non·nor·mal·i·ty , noun, plural non·nor·mal·i·ties.
o·ver·nor·mal , adjective
o·ver·nor·mal·ly , adverb
o·ver·nor·mal·i·ty , noun
qua·si-nor·mal , adjective
qua·si-nor·mal·ly , adverb
sem·i·nor·mal , adjective
sem·i·nor·mal·ly , adverb
sem·i·nor·mal·ness , noun
sem·i·nor·mal·i·ty , noun
trans·nor·mal , adjective
trans·nor·mal·ly , adverb
un·nor·mal , adjective
un·nor·mal·ly , adverb
un·nor·mal·ness , noun

Word origin for Normality

C16: from Latin normālis conforming to the carpenter's square, from norma norm

Synonyms for Normality

ordinariness, uniformity, averageness, commonality, commonness, commonplaceness, regularity, standardness, unremarkableness