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Showing words for NOXIOUS using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Noxious
6 Letter Words for Noxious
5 Letter Words for Noxious
4 Letter Words for Noxious
3 Letter Words for Noxious
Definitions for Noxious
[1] harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being: noxious fumes.
[2] morally harmful; corrupting; pernicious: a noxious plan to spread dissension.
[3] poisonous or harmful
[4] harmful to the mind or morals; corrupting
Words related to Noxious
putrid, destructive, unhealthy, corrupting, poisonous, fetid, harmful, virulent, toxic, pernicious, baneful, dangerous, deleterious, detrimental, foul, hurtful, noisome, pestiferous, pestilent, sickly
Words nearby Noxious
nowruz, nowt, nowty, nowy, nox, noxious, noyade, noyau, noyes, noyon, nozzle
Origin of Noxious
1605–15; < Latin noxius harmful, hurtful, injurious, equivalent to nox(a ) harm, hurt, injury (akin to nocēre to do harm, inflict injury; see innocent) + -ius -ious
Other words from Noxious
nox·ious·ly , adverb
nox·ious·ness , noun
Word origin for Noxious
C17: from Latin noxius harmful, from noxa injury
Synonyms for Noxious
corrupting, destructive, fetid, harmful, pernicious, poisonous, putrid, toxic, unhealthy, virulent, baneful, dangerous, deleterious, detrimental, foul, hurtful, insalubrious, insalutary, noisome, pestiferous, pestilent, pestilential, sickly, spoiled, stinking, unhealthful, unwholesome, venomous