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Showing words for NUMBAT using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Numbat
numbat, tubman
5 Letter Words for Numbat
antum, bantu, tabun
4 Letter Words for Numbat
abut, antu, aunt, bant, baun, buat, buna, bunt, mant, maun, maut, munt, muta, nabu, natu, naut, numb, taum, taun, tuan, tuba, tuna, unta
3 Letter Words for Numbat
abm, abn, abt, abu, amb, amt, amu, ant, anu, atm, aum, bam, ban, bat, btu, bum, bun, but, mab, man, mat, mau, mba, mna, mtn, mun, mut, nab, nam, nat, nub, num, nut, tab, tam, tan, tau, tua, tub, tum, tun, uma, una, unb, uta
Definitions for Numbat
[1] banded anteater.
[2] a small Australian marsupial, Myrmecobius fasciatus, having a long snout and tongue and strong claws for hunting and feeding on termites: family Dasyuridae Also called: banded anteater
Words nearby Numbat
numa pompilius, numantia, numantian, numazu, numb, numbat, number, number crunching, number eight wire, number is up, one's, number line
Origin of Numbat
First recorded in 1920–25, numbat is from the Nyungar word numbat
Word origin for Numbat
C20: from a native Australian language