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Showing words for NUTTER using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Nutter
5 Letter Words for Nutter
enrut, tuner, urent, utter
4 Letter Words for Nutter
entr, neut, rent, ruen, rune, runt, tent, tern, tret, true, trun, tune, turn, tute
3 Letter Words for Nutter
ern, ert, net, nur, nut, rte, rue, run, rut, ten, ter, tet, tnt, trt, tue, tun, tur, tut, ure, urn, ute
Definitions for Nutter
[1] a person who gathers nuts.
[2] British Slang . an insane person.
[3] British slang a mad or eccentric person
Words related to Nutter
lunatic, madman, maniac, neurotic, dement, fruitcake, madwoman
Words nearby Nutter
nuts and bolts, nuts and bolts, the, nutshell, nutso, nutsy, nutter, nutting, nutty, nutty as a fruitcake, nutwood, nuuk
Origin of Nutter
First recorded in 1475–85; nut + -er1
Synonyms for Nutter
dement, fruitcake, head case, lunatic, madman, madwoman, maniac, mental defective, neurotic, non compos, raving lunatic