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Showing words for OBLIGATION using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Obligation


9 Letter Words for Obligation


8 Letter Words for Obligation

bigonial, bloating, boltonia, intaglio, libating, libation, ligation, lobation, longboat, oblating, oblation, obligant, obligati, obligato, tabooing, taglioni

7 Letter Words for Obligation

antilog, bailing, baiting, batling, biltong, bitonal, boating, boation, boiling, bologna, boloing, bolting, boniato, booting, botling, gitalin, inoglia, looting, oblatio, tabling, tabooli, tailing, toiling, toolbag, tooling

6 Letter Words for Obligation

abling, aglint, ailing, aition, albino, albion, alinit, angili, angilo, bagnio, baling, baliti, bating, batino, batlon, batoon, biglot, bilian, biotin, biting, bogota, bolita, boltin, bonita, bonito, booing, botong, gabion, gaboon, galiot, galoot, giboia, gitano, globin, gnatoo, goblin, gonial, inital, intail, lagoon, latigo, latino, lation, lbinit, libant, lingot, liting, lobing, logion, looing, lotion, lotong, nilgai, oatbin, obiing, obital, oblong, obtain, oiling, oliban, olingo, talion, tibial, tiglon, tiling, tobago, toling

5 Letter Words for Obligation

abilo, aboil, aboon, agloo, ainoi, aioli, albin, algin, alibi, align, aloin, along, altin, anglo, anoil, anoli, ating, bagio, baign, bailo, balon, baloo, balti, banig, baton, biali, bigot, bilio, binal, bingo, binit, biont, biota, blain, bling, blini, bloat, bogan, boing, bolti, bongo, boong, botan, gabon, giant, gibli, gilia, glint, gloat, goban, gobio, gonal, gonia, ibota, igloo, ilion, ingot, inial, intil, ionia, langi, latin, laton, liang, ligan, linga, lingo, litai, logan, logia, login, logoi, logon, longa, lotan, ngaio, nilot, niota, nogal, notal, obang, obiit, oblat, oboli, olona, ontal, oobit, tabog, taboo, taino, talio, talon, tangi, tango, tiang, tibia, tigon, tilia, tingi, tolan, tonal, tonga, toona

4 Letter Words for Obligation

abit, agin, agio, agit, agni, agon, aint, aion, alii, alin, alto, ango, anil, anti, aoli, atli, bago, bail, bain, bait, bali, bang, bani, bant, biga, bilo, bing, bino, bint, biog, biol, bion, biti, bito, blag, blan, blat, blin, blit, blog, blot, boat, boga, bogo, boil, bola, bolo, bolt, bona, bong, bono, bool, boon, boot, bota, boti, boto, gabi, gail, gain, gait, gali, galt, gant, gila, gilo, gilt, glia, glib, glit, glob, gnat, goal, goat, gobi, gobo, gola, goli, gool, goon, goto, iago, ilia, ilot, inga, ingo, inia, init, inta, inti, intl, into, iota, itai, ital, lain, lait, lang, lant, lati, liin, lina, ling, lino, lint, lion, liti, loan, lobi, lobo, logo, loin, long, loob, loon, loot, lota, loti, loto, nagi, naib, naig, nail, naio, naoi, natl, nato, ngai, niog, nito, noil, nolo, nolt, nota, oban, obia, obit, obli, obol, oint, olio, onto, oont, tabi, taig, tail, tain, tali, tang, tiao, ting, toga, togo, toil, tola, tong, tool, toon

3 Letter Words for Obligation

abl, abn, abo, abt, ago, agt, ail, ain, ait, alb, alg, aln, alo, alt, ant, aob, bag, bai, bal, ban, bat, big, bin, bio, bit, blo, blt, boa, bog, bol, bon, boo, bot, btl, gab, gal, gan, gat, gib, gin, gio, git, glb, glt, goa, gob, goi, gol, gon, goo, got, iao, iba, ign, ilo, ing, int, ion, ita, lab, lag, lai, lan, lao, lat, lib, lig, lin, lit, loa, lob, log, loo, lot, nab, nag, nat, nbg, nib, nig, nil, nit, noa, nob, nog, nol, noo, not, oat, oba, obi, obl, obo, oii, oil, ola, ona, oni, ono, ont, oon, oot, oto, tab, tag, tai, tal, tan, tao, tgn, tib, tig, til, tin, tln, tlo, tng, toa, tob, tog, toi, tol, ton, too

Definitions for Obligation

[1] something by which a person is bound or obliged to do certain things, and which arises out of a sense of duty or results from custom, law, etc.
[2] something that is done or is to be done for such reasons: to fulfill one's obligations.
[3] a binding promise, contract, sense of duty, etc.
[4] the act of binding or obliging oneself by a promise, contract, etc.
[5] Law . an agreement enforceable by law, originally applied to promises under seal. a document containing such an agreement. a bond containing a penalty, with a condition annexed for payment of money, performance of covenants, etc.
[6] any bond, note, bill, certificate, or the like, as of a government or a corporation, serving as evidence of indebtedness.
[7] an indebtedness or amount of indebtedness.
[8] a favor, service, or benefit for which gratitude is due.
[9] a debt of gratitude: He felt an obligation to his teacher.
[10] the state of being under a debt, as of gratitude, for a favor, service, or benefit.
[11] a moral or legal requirement; duty
[12] the act of obligating or the state of being obligated
[13] law a legally enforceable agreement to perform some act, esp to pay money, for the benefit of another party
[14] law a written contract containing a penalty an instrument acknowledging indebtedness to secure the repayment of money borrowed
[15] a person or thing to which one is bound morally or legally
[16] something owed in return for a service or favour
[17] a service or favour for which one is indebted

Words related to Obligation

duty, accountability, requirement, right, necessity, constraint, understanding, commitment, contract, agreement, liability, trust, promise, burden, need, debt, bond, conscience, onus, business

Words nearby Obligation

oblation, obligate, obligate aerobe, obligate anaerobe, obligate parasite, obligation, obligational, obligational authority, obligative, obligato, obligatory

Origin of Obligation

1250–1300; Middle English obligacioun < Old French obligation < Latin obligātiōn- (stem of obligātiō ) a binding, equivalent to obligāt(us ) bound (see obligate) + -iōn- -ion

Other words from Obligation

pre·ob·li·ga·tion , noun
re·ob·li·ga·tion , noun
su·per·ob·li·ga·tion , noun

Synonyms for Obligation

accountability, agreement, bond, burden, commitment, constraint, contract, debt, duty, liability, necessity, need, promise, requirement, right, trust, understanding, IOU, business, call, cause, charge, chit, committal, compulsion, conscience, debit, devoir, dues, engagement, must, occasion, onus, part, place, restraint, accountableness, due bill, ought