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Showing words for OBSESSIVE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Obsessive
7 Letter Words for Obsessive
6 Letter Words for Obsessive
5 Letter Words for Obsessive
4 Letter Words for Obsessive
3 Letter Words for Obsessive
Definitions for Obsessive
[1] being, pertaining to, or resembling an obsession: an obsessive fear of illness.
[2] causing an obsession.
[3] excessive, especially extremely so.
[4] someone who has an obsession or obsessions; a person who thinks or behaves in an obsessive manner.
[5] psychiatry motivated by a persistent overriding idea or impulse, often associated with anxiety and mental illness
[6] continually preoccupied with a particular activity, person, or thing
[7] psychiatry a person subject to obsession
[8] a person who is continually preoccupied with a particular activity, person, or thing
Words related to Obsessive
manic, distraught, compulsive, disturbed, self-absorbed, snobbish, narcissistic, subjective, boastful, pompous, selfish, stubborn, single-minded, narrow-minded, frenzied, zealous, impassioned, enthusiastic, violent, bigoted
Words nearby Obsessive
observe, observer, obsess, obsessed, obsession, obsessive, obsessive-compulsive, obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsidian, obsidian dating, obsidional coin
Origin of Obsessive
First recorded in 1910–15; obsess(ion) + -ive
Other words from Obsessive
ob·ses·sive·ly , adverb
ob·ses·sive·ness , noun
non·ob·ses·sive , adjective
non·ob·ses·sive·ly , adverb
non·ob·ses·sive·ness , noun
ob•ses′ sive n.
Synonyms for Obsessive
compulsive, distraught, disturbed, manic, aberrant, deviant, hysteric, psychoneurotic, upset, abnormal, anxious, basket case, bundle of nerves, choked, clutched, disordered, disoriented, erratic, hung up, inhibited, nervous, nervous wreck, overwrought, unhealthy, unstable, uptight, wired