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Showing words for OCCLUDE using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Occlude


6 Letter Words for Occlude


5 Letter Words for Occlude

cloud, clued, codec, coled, coude, could, dolce, douce, dulce, duole, leuco

4 Letter Words for Occlude

cled, clod, clou, clue, code, coed, cold, cole, coud, coue, coul, cued, decl, deco, deul, dole, douc, duce, duel, dulc, dule, eccl, ecco, ecod, ecol, educ, elod, leud, lode, loed, loud, luce, lude, ludo, odel, ould

3 Letter Words for Occlude

cel, ceo, clo, cod, col, cud, cue, cul, dec, del, dle, doc, doe, dol, duc, due, duo, ecc, eco, ecu, edo, eld, lcd, led, leo, leu, loc, lod, loe, lud, lue, luo, ode, old, ole, oud, udo, ule

Definitions for Occlude

[1] to close, shut, or stop up (a passage, opening, etc.).
[2] to shut in, out, or off.
[3] Physical Chemistry . (of certain metals and other solids) to incorporate (gases and other foreign substances), as by absorption or adsorption.
[4] Dentistry . to shut or close, with the cusps of the opposing teeth of the upper and lower jaws fitting together.
[5] Meteorology . to form an occluded front.
[6] (tr) to block or stop up (a passage or opening); obstruct
[7] (tr) to prevent the passage of
[8] (tr) chem (of a solid) to incorporate (a substance) by absorption or adsorption
[9] meteorol to form or cause to form an occluded front
[10] dentistry to produce or cause to produce occlusion, as in chewing

Words related to Occlude

obstruct, hinder, shut, clog, throttle, congest, choke, impede, stopper, seal, close, curb, plug, fill

Words nearby Occlude

occipitoposterior position, occipitotransverse position, occiput, occitan, occleve, occlude, occluded front, occlusal, occlusal analysis, occlusal equilibration, occlusal force

Origin of Occlude

1590–1600; < Latin occlūdere to shut up, close up, equivalent to oc- oc- + -clūdere, combining form of claudere to close

Other words from Occlude

oc·clud·ent , adjective
un·oc·clud·ed , adjective
oc•clud′ ent adj.

Word origin for Occlude

C16: from Latin occlūdere, from ob- (intensive) + claudere to close

Synonyms for Occlude

choke, clog, close, congest, curb, fill, hinder, impede, obstruct, plug, seal, shut, stopper, throttle, close out, leave out, lock out, stop up