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Showing words for OCCUPATION using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Occupation


8 Letter Words for Occupation

acupoint, coaction, couption, occupant

7 Letter Words for Occupation

account, auction, canopic, cantico, caption, caution, coation, coconut, cocopan, coction, cotonia, occiput, occitan, oncotic, opticon, opuntia, paction, pontiac, puccoon, punatoo

6 Letter Words for Occupation

aconic, acopic, acopon, action, anicut, aponic, atonic, atopic, cacoon, cantic, cation, catnip, cautio, cicuta, cocona, cocopa, coinop, concio, copain, copita, copout, coptic, cotoin, coupon, incoup, nautic, noctua, octoic, opaion, option, pictun, poitou, ponica, pontic, poonac, potion, puncta, puncto, punica, putain, tapoun, tipuna, toucan, tunica, tupian, uncoat, uncoop, utopia

5 Letter Words for Occupation

acoin, acoup, actin, acton, antic, apout, cacti, canto, capoc, capon, capot, caput, cauon, caupo, cinct, citua, coact, coapt, coati, cocao, cocin, cocoa, conia, conic, conta, conto, coopt, copia, cotan, couac, count, coupa, cunit, cutin, icaco, inact, inapt, incut, input, napoo, niota, octan, octic, oncia, ontic, optic, paint, panic, panto, patin, patio, piano, picot, pinot, pinta, pinto, pitau, piton, pocan, point, ponca, ponto, potin, punct, punic, punta, punti, punto, puton, taino, taipo, tauon, taupo, ticca, tinca, tonic, toona, topau, topia, topic, topoi, tuina, tunca, tunic, unact, unapt, uncap, uncia, uniat, unpot, untap, untop, utica

4 Letter Words for Occupation

acct, acop, acpt, actu, aint, ainu, aion, aitu, anti, antu, apio, atip, atoc, atop, aunt, auto, caci, caic, cain, canc, cant, caon, capi, capo, capt, caup, ciao, cion, cipo, cito, coat, coca, coco, coct, coin, coit, conc, coni, cont, coon, coop, coot, copa, copt, coto, coua, coup, cuca, cuit, cunt, cuon, icao, icon, inca, inta, into, iota, naio, naoi, napu, nato, natu, naut, nipa, nito, noop, nota, noup, nout, octa, oint, onca, onto, oont, opai, otic, outa, paco, pact, pacu, pain, pant, paon, pato, patu, paut, pian, pica, pico, pict, pina, pino, pint, pion, pita, piua, poco, pont, pooa, poon, poot, poti, pout, ptui, puan, puca, puna, punt, taco, tain, tapu, taun, tiao, tinc, tipu, toco, toon, toop, topi, topo, toun, toup, tuan, tuna, tuno, tupi, unai, unca, unci, unco, unct, unio, unit, unta, unto, upon, utai

3 Letter Words for Occupation

acc, act, ain, ait, anc, ant, anu, apc, apt, atp, cai, can, cap, cat, cia, cit, con, coo, cop, cot, cpa, cpi, cpo, cpt, cpu, ctn, cto, cun, cup, cut, iao, inc, int, ion, iou, ipo, ita, nap, nat, nco, nip, nit, noa, noo, not, nut, oat, oca, oct, ona, oni, ono, ont, oon, oop, oot, opa, opt, otc, oto, oui, oup, out, pac, pan, pat, pau, pci, pct, pia, pic, pin, pit, piu, poa, poi, pon, poo, pot, pta, pua, pun, put, tai, tan, tao, tap, tau, tcp, tic, tin, tip, tiu, toa, toc, toi, ton, too, top, tou, tpi, tua, tui, tun, tup, uca, uit, una, unc, uni, unp, upo, uta, utc, uti

Definitions for Occupation

[1] a person's usual or principal work or business, especially as a means of earning a living; vocation: Her occupation was dentistry.
[2] any activity in which a person is engaged.
[3] possession, settlement, or use of land or property.
[4] the act of occupying, possessing, or settling.
[5] the state of being occupied, taken over, or settled.
[6] the state of being busy: His constant occupation with his writing has cut severely into his social life.
[7] the seizure and control of an area by military forces, especially foreign territory.
[8] the term of control of a territory by foreign military forces: Danish resistance during the German occupation.
[9] tenure or the holding of an office or official function: during his occupation of the vice presidency.
[10] the act of going into and taking control of a public or private space, as a park or building, especially as an act of protest: The students' week-long occupation of the dean's office brought about a change in the university's curfew policy.
[11] the state or condition of living or working in a given place: The landlord will not allow occupation of any of his apartments by families with children or pets.
[12] a person's regular work or profession; job or principal activity
[13] any activity on which time is spent by a person
[14] the act of occupying or the state of being occupied
[15] the control of a country by a foreign military power
[16] the period of time that a nation, place, or position is occupied
[17] (modifier) for the use of the occupier of a particular property occupation road ; occupation bridge

Words related to Occupation

affair, activity, settlement, ownership, invasion, attack, conquest, dodge, do, play, calling, slot, work, hang, game, trade, moonlight, thing, job, craft

Words nearby Occupation

occultation, occulting light, occultism, occupancy, occupant, occupation, occupation franchise, occupation groupings, occupation layer, occupational, occupational dermatitis

Origin of Occupation

1250–1300; Middle English occupacioun < Middle French occupation < Latin occupātiōn- (stem of occupātiō ), equivalent to occupāt(us ) (past participle of occupāre; see occupy) + -iōn- -ion

Other words from Occupation

oc·cu·pa·tion·less , adjective
oc·cu·pa·tive , adjective
non·oc·cu·pa·tion , noun
re·oc·cu·pa·tion , noun
self-oc·cu·pa·tion , noun

Synonyms for Occupation

activity, affair, calling, craft, do, dodge, employment, game, grindstone, hang, job, lick, line, moonlight, play, post, pursuit, racket, slot, thing, trade, vocation, work, chosen work, daily grind, day gig, line of work, métier, nine-to-five, rat race, walk of life, what one is into