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Showing words for OFFICIAL using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Official
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Definitions for Official
[1] a person appointed or elected to an office or charged with certain duties.
[2] of or relating to an office or position of duty, trust, or authority: official powers.
[3] authorized or issued authoritatively: an official report.
[4] holding office.
[5] appointed or authorized to act in a designated capacity: an official representative.
[6] (of an activity or event) intended for the notice of the public and performed or held on behalf of officials or of an organization; formal: the official opening of a store.
[7] Pharmacology . noting drugs or drug preparations that are recognized by and that conform to the standards of the United States Pharmacopeia or the National Formulary.
[8] of or relating to an office, its administration, or its duration
[9] sanctioned by, recognized by, or derived from authority an official statement
[10] appointed by authority, esp for some special duty
[11] having a formal ceremonial character an official dinner
[12] a person who holds a position in an organization, government department, etc, esp a subordinate position
[13] of or relating to one of the two factions of the IRA and Sinn Féin, created by a split in 1969. The Official movement subsequently renounced terrorism and entered constitutional politics in the Irish Republic as the Workers' Party (now the Democratic Left)
[14] a member of the Official IRA and Sinn Féin
Words related to Official
precise, authoritative, definite, fitting, valid, proper, formal, conclusive, administrator, representative, minister, executive, bureaucrat, commissioner, agent, director, manager, officer, leader, secretary
Words nearby Official
officer of arms, officer of the day, officer of the deck, officer of the guard, officer of the watch, official, official family, official formula, official receiver, official referee, official solicitor
Origin of Official
1300–50; Middle English < Late Latin officiālis of duty, equivalent to Latin offici(um ) office + -ālis -al1
Words that may be confused with Official
Other words from Official
of·fi·cial·ly , adverb
non·of·fi·cial , adjective
non·of·fi·cial·ly , adverb
pre·of·fi·cial , adjective
pre·of·fi·cial·ly , adverb
pseu·do·of·fi·cial , adjective, noun
pseu·do·of·fi·cial·ly , adverb
qua·si-of·fi·cial , adjective
qua·si-of·fi·cial·ly , adverb
sub·of·fi·cial , noun, adjective
sub·of·fi·cial·ly , adverb
un·der·of·fi·cial , adjective
un·of·fi·cial , adjective
un·of·fi·cial·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Official
authoritative, conclusive, definite, fitting, formal, precise, proper, valid, cathedral, okay, positive, real, true, accredited, approved, authentic, authenticated, bona fide, canonical, ceremonious, certified, cleared, correct, customary, decided, decisive, endorsed, established, ex cathedra, ex officio, legitimate, licensed, ordered, orthodox, recognized, rightful, sanctioned, suitable