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Showing words for OFFISH using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Offish


4 Letter Words for Offish

fifo, fish, fohs, fosh, offs

3 Letter Words for Offish

foh, fsh, his, hoi, hos, iff, ifs, ihs, iof, ios, ish, iso, off, ohs, ois, osi, shf, shi, sho, sif

Definitions for Offish

[1] aloof; unapproachable; standoffish.
[2] informal aloof or distant in manner

Words related to Offish

aloof, annoyed, apathetic, chill, chilly, distant, frigid, impertinent, impudent, incurious, indifferent, insolent, lukewarm, offended, offhand, remote, reserved, reticent, solitary, standoffish

Words nearby Offish

officiate, officinal, officious, officious will, offing, offish, offlap, offline, offload, offprint, offscouring

Origin of Offish

An Americanism dating back to 1825–35; off + -ish1

Other words from Offish

off·ish·ly , adverb
off·ish·ness , noun

Synonyms for Offish

aloof, annoyed, apathetic, chill, chilly, distant, frigid, impertinent, impudent, incurious, indifferent, insolent, lukewarm, offended, offhand, procacious, remote, reserved, reticent, solitary, standoffish, unapproachable, uncommunicative, undemonstrative, unenthusiastic, unfriendly, uninterested, unresponsive, unsociable, unwelcoming, withdrawn