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Showing words for OINK using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Oink
kino, oink
3 Letter Words for Oink
ink, ion, kin, koi, kon, oik, oki, oni
Definitions for Oink
[1] to make the characteristic sound of a pig; grunt.
[2] the squealing or grunting sound made by a pig.
[3] an imitation or representation of the grunt of a pig
Words related to Oink
detective, force, man, police, patrolman, constable, officer, corps, bluecoat, pig, blue, law, badge, bear, heat, bull, cop, bobby, fuzz, gumshoe
Words nearby Oink
oilskin, oilspot glaze, oilstone, oiltight, oily, oink, oinochoe, ointment, oir, oireachtas, oise
Origin of Oink
First recorded in 1940–45; imitative
Synonyms for Oink
detective, force, law enforcement, man, badge, bear, blue, bluecoat, bobby, bull, constable, constabulary, cop, copper, corps, fed, flatfoot, fuzz, gendarme, gumshoe, heat, law, narc, officers, patrolman, pig, boy scout, county mounty