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Showing words for ONEROUS using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Onerous
6 Letter Words for Onerous
5 Letter Words for Onerous
4 Letter Words for Onerous
3 Letter Words for Onerous
Definitions for Onerous
[1] burdensome, oppressive, or troublesome; causing hardship: onerous duties.
[2] having or involving obligations or responsibilities, especially legal ones, that outweigh the advantages: an onerous agreement.
[3] laborious or oppressive
[4] law (of a contract, lease, etc) having or involving burdens or obligations that counterbalance or outweigh the advantages
Words related to Onerous
distressing, intolerable, troublesome, excessive, harsh, oppressive, taxing, weighty, backbreaking, arduous, severe, demanding, exhausting, burdensome, strenuous, rigorous, cumbersome, laborious, grueling, painful
Words nearby Onerous
oneirophrenia, oneiroscopy, oneness, oneonta, oner, onerous, oneself, onesie, onetti, onf, onfr.
Origin of Onerous
1350–1400; Middle English < Latin onerōsus, equivalent to oner- (stem of onus ) burden + -ōsus -ous
Other words from Onerous
on·er·ous·ly , adverb
on·er·ous·ness , o·ne·ros·i·ty [oh-nuh -ros -i-tee] /ˌoʊ nəˈrɒs ɪ ti/ , noun
non·on·er·ous , adjective
non·on·er·ous·ly , adverb
non·on·er·ous·ness , noun
un·on·er·ous , adjective
un·on·er·ous·ly , adverb
un·on·er·ous·ness , noun
Word origin for Onerous
C14: from Latin onerōsus burdensome, from onus load
Synonyms for Onerous
arduous, backbreaking, burdensome, cumbersome, demanding, difficult, distressing, excessive, exhausting, grueling, harsh, intolerable, laborious, oppressive, painful, rigorous, severe, strenuous, taxing, troublesome, weighty, austere, crushing, embittering, exacting, exigent, fatiguing, formidable, galling, grave, grinding, hard, headache, heavy, irksome, merciless, overpowering, overtaxing, plodding, ponderous, pressing, responsible, serious, tiresome, tiring, toilsome, vexatious