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Showing words for OOZING using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Oozing
5 Letter Words for Oozing
4 Letter Words for Oozing
3 Letter Words for Oozing
Definitions for Oozing
[1] (of moisture, liquid, etc.) to flow, percolate, or exude slowly, as through holes or small openings.
[2] to move or pass slowly or gradually, as if through a small opening or passage: The crowd oozed toward the entrance.
[3] (of a substance) to exude moisture.
[4] (of something abstract, as information or courage) to appear or disappear slowly or imperceptibly (often followed by out or away ): His cockiness oozed away during my rebuttal speech.
[5] to display some characteristic or quality: to ooze with piety.
[6] to make by oozing.
[7] to exude (moisture, air, etc.) slowly.
[8] to display or dispense freely and conspicuously: He can ooze charm when it serves his interest.
[9] the act of oozing.
[10] something that oozes.
[11] an infusion of oak bark, sumac, etc., used in tanning.
[12] (intr) to flow or leak out slowly, as through pores or very small holes
[13] to exude or emit (moisture, gas, etc)
[14] (tr) to overflow with to ooze charm
[15] (intr often foll by away ) to disappear or escape gradually
[16] a slow flowing or leaking
[17] an infusion of vegetable matter, such as sumach or oak bark, used in tanning
[18] a soft thin mud found at the bottom of lakes and rivers
[19] a fine-grained calcareous or siliceous marine deposit consisting of the hard parts of planktonic organisms
[20] muddy ground, esp of bogs
Words related to Oozing
oozedrain, seep, leak, dribble, percolate, trickle, exude, bleed, leach, drop, well, escape, flow, drip, filter, strain, perspire, sweat, spurt, discharge
Words nearby Oozing
oozeoost, oostende, oot, ootheca, ootid, ooze, ooze leather, oozy, op, op art, op-
Origin of Oozing
e1before 1000; Middle English wos(e ) (noun), wosen (v.), Old English wōs juice, moisture
Word origin for Oozing
eOld English wāse mud; related to Old French wāse, Old Norse veisa
Synonyms for Oozing
bleed, drain, dribble, exude, leak, percolate, seep, trickle, discharge, drip, drop, escape, filter, flow, issue, leach, overflow, perspire, spurt, strain, sweat, swelter, weep, well