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Showing words for OPAQUE using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Opaque


4 Letter Words for Opaque

aquo, quep, quop

3 Letter Words for Opaque

ape, eau, epa, opa, ope, oup, pau, pea, poa, pua, qua, que, quo, upo

Definitions for Opaque

[1] not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light; not allowing light to pass through.
[2] not transmitting radiation, sound, heat, etc.
[3] not shining or bright; dark; dull.
[4] hard to understand; not clear or lucid; obscure: The problem remains opaque despite explanations.
[5] dull, stupid, or unintelligent.
[6] something that is opaque.
[7] Photography . a coloring matter, usually black or red, used to render part of a negative opaque.
[8] Photography . to cover up blemishes on (a negative), especially for making a printing plate.
[9] to cause to become opaque.
[10] not transmitting light; not transparent or translucent
[11] not reflecting light; lacking lustre or shine; dull
[12] not transmitting radiant energy, such as electromagnetic or corpuscular radiation, or sound
[13] hard to understand; unintelligible
[14] unintelligent; dense
[15] photog an opaque pigment used to block out particular areas on a negative
[16] to make opaque
[17] photog to block out particular areas, such as blemishes, on (a negative), using an opaque

Words related to Opaque

impenetrable, murky, cloudy, hazy, gloomy, frosty, thick, dull, dirty, blurred, unclear, uncertain, equivocal, unintelligible, arcane, incomprehensible, vague, dark, dim, dusky

Words nearby Opaque

opal glass, opalesce, opalescent, opaleye, opaline, opaque, opaque context, opaque projector, opc, ope, opec

Origin of Opaque

1375–1425; late Middle English opake < Latin opācus shaded

Other words from Opaque

o·paque·ly , adverb
o·paque·ness , noun
sub·o·paque , adjective
sub·o·paque·ly , adverb
sub·o·paque·ness , noun

Word origin for Opaque

C15: from Latin opācus shady

Synonyms for Opaque

blurred, cloudy, dirty, dull, frosty, gloomy, hazy, impenetrable, murky, thick, dark, darkened, dim, dusky, filmy, foggy, fuliginous, lusterless, misty, muddied, nontranslucent, nontransparent, nubilous, obfuscated, shady, smoky, sooty, turbid