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Showing words for OPPOSE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Oppose
5 Letter Words for Oppose
4 Letter Words for Oppose
3 Letter Words for Oppose
Definitions for Oppose
[1] to act against or provide resistance to; combat.
[2] to stand in the way of; hinder; obstruct.
[3] to set as an opponent or adversary.
[4] to be hostile or adverse to, as in opinion: to oppose a resolution in a debate.
[5] to set as an obstacle or hindrance.
[6] to set against in some relation, especially as to demonstrate a comparison or contrast: to oppose advantages to disadvantages.
[7] to use or take as being opposite or contrary.
[8] to set (something) over against something else in place, or to set (two things) so as to face or be opposite to one another.
[9] to be or act in opposition.
[10] (tr) to fight against, counter, or resist strongly
[11] (tr) to be hostile or antagonistic to; be against
[12] (tr) to place or set in opposition; contrast or counterbalance
[13] (tr) to place opposite or facing
[14] (intr) to be or act in opposition
Words related to Oppose
prevent, deny, face, defy, disagree, attack, fight, resist, protest, assail, argue, debate, dispute, withstand, thwart, neutralize, disapprove, bombard, controvert, battle
Words nearby Oppose
opportunity, opportunity cost, opportunity shop, opposable, opposable thumb, oppose, opposed-cylinder, opposed-piston engine, opposeless, opposer muscle of little finger, opposer muscle of thumb
Origin of Oppose
1350–1400; Middle English < Old French opposer, blend of Latin oppōnere to set against and Old French poser to pose1, associated with the L past participle oppositus
Other words from Oppose
op·pos·er , noun
op·pos·ing·ly , adverb
non·op·pos·ing , adjective
pre·op·pose , verb (used with object), pre·op·posed, pre·op·pos·ing.
pre·op·posed , adjective
qua·si-op·posed , adjective
re·op·pose , verb (used with object), re·op·posed, re·op·pos·ing.
un·op·posed , adjective
un·op·pos·ing , adjective
Word origin for Oppose
C14: via Old French from Latin oppōnere, from ob- against + pōnere to place
Synonyms for Oppose
argue, assail, attack, debate, defy, deny, disagree, dispute, face, fight, prevent, protest, resist, assault, bar, battle, bombard, check, combat, confront, contradict, controvert, counter, counterattack, cross, disapprove, encounter, expose, gainsay, hinder, neutralize, reverse, taunt, thwart, withstand, call in question, face down, fly in the face of, frown at, not countenance, run counter to, search out, speak against, stand up to, take a stand, take issue, take on, turn the tables