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Showing words for ORBITAL using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Orbital
6 Letter Words for Orbital
5 Letter Words for Orbital
4 Letter Words for Orbital
3 Letter Words for Orbital
Definitions for Orbital
[1] of or relating to an orbit.
[2] Physics , Chemistry . a wave function describing the state of a single electron in an atom (atomic orbital) or in a molecule (molecular orbital) . the electron in that state.
[3] of or denoting an orbit
[4] (of a motorway or major road circuit) circling a large city
[5] a region surrounding an atomic nucleus in which the probability distribution of the electrons is given by a wave function
[6] an orbital road
Words related to Orbital
yearly, recurrent, intermittent, annual, occasional, repeated, regular, routine, sporadic, seasonal, monthly, recurring, weekly, periodical, alternate, cyclical, daily, infrequent, perennial, rhythmic
Words nearby Orbital
orbiculare, orbiculate, orbison, orbit, orbita, orbital, orbital angular momentum, orbital cavity, orbital gyrus, orbital index, orbital muscle
Origin of Orbital
1535–45; < New Latin, Medieval Latin orbitālis; see orbit, -al1
Other words from Orbital
in·ter·or·bi·tal , adjective
in·ter·or·bi·tal·ly , adverb
pre·or·bit·al , adjective
su·per·or·bit·al , adjective
trans·or·bi·tal , adjective
un·or·bi·tal , adjective
un·or·bi·tal·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Orbital
annual, intermittent, monthly, occasional, recurrent, recurring, regular, repeated, routine, seasonal, sporadic, weekly, yearly, periodical, alternate, at various times, centennial, cyclic, cyclical, daily, epochal, every once in a while, every so often, fluctuating, hourly, infrequent, isochronal, isochronous, on certain occasions, on-again-off-again, perennial, rhythmic, serial, spasmodic