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Showing words for ORGANA using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Organa
5 Letter Words for Organa
4 Letter Words for Organa
3 Letter Words for Organa
Definitions for Organa
[1] a plural of organon.
[2] a plural of organum.
[3] an instrument of thought or knowledge.
[4] Philosophy . a system of rules or principles of demonstration or investigation.
[5] an organon.
[6] Music . the doubling, or simultaneous singing, of a melody at an interval of either a fourth, a fifth, or an octave. the second part in such singing.
[7] a plural of organon, organum
[8] a form of polyphonic music originating in the ninth century, consisting of a plainsong melody with parts added at the fourth and fifth
[9] a variant of organon
[10] a system of logical or scientific rules, esp that of Aristotle
[11] archaic a sense organ, regarded as an instrument for acquiring knowledge
Words related to Organa
arrangement, unity, melody, composition, tune, chord, unison, consonance, concert, richness, concurrence, piece, chime, chorus, euphony, symphony, triad, blend, overtone, blending
Words nearby Organa
organ-grinder, organ-pipe cactus, organ-pipe coral, organ-specific, organ-specific antigen, organa, organdie, organdy, organelle, organelles, organic
Origin of Organa
umFrom Latin, dating back to 1605–15; see origin at organ
Word origin for Organa
onC16: from Greek: implement; see organ
Synonyms for Organa
arrangement, chord, composition, melody, tune, unity, blend, blending, chime, chorus, concert, concurrence, consonance, diapason, euphony, harmonics, melodiousness, overtone, piece, polyphony, richness, symphony, triad, tunefulness, unison, attunement, concentus, concinnity, mellifluousness