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Showing words for ORTHOPSYCHIATRY using the English dictionary
15 Letter Words for Orthopsychiatry
12 Letter Words for Orthopsychiatry
cystorrhaphy, thyrotrophic
11 Letter Words for Orthopsychiatry
arthroscopy, chrysophyta, corporatist, cystatrophy, histotrophy, orthopathic, orthophyric, orthostichy, thyrotropic, trichopathy
10 Letter Words for Orthopsychiatry
carrottops, copatriots, cystophora, cytotrophy, hospitator, hypostatic, oratorship, orthopathy, orthoptics, parostotic, physiocrat, portrayist, postaortic, procaryots, procharity, psychiatry, psychotria, pyrostatic, pyrrhotist, scortatory, sociopathy, starchroot
9 Letter Words for Orthopsychiatry
actorship, carrottop, chariotry, chayroots, choristry, chrisroot, copatriot, cotraitor, crapshoot, cryopathy, cryptotis, hortatory, hotchpots, hypocrisy, hypotrich, orthopath, orthoptic, orthotics, otopathic, parorchis, physiatry, piscatory, poortiths, portraits, procaryot, prostatic, protostar, protracts, rhotacist, scriptory, shopocrat, shortcoat, shorthair, sociopath, strophaic, thyristor, toothachy, tosaphoth, trapshoot, triptycas, triptychs
8 Letter Words for Orthopsychiatry
actorish, airports, aphorist, apricots, archhost, arctotis, artistry, artotypy, atrocity, atrophic, carports, chariots, charpoys, chartist, chastity, chayroot, citators, citatory, copastor, corporas, crapshot, cryostat, cypriots, cyrtopia, haricots, horatory, hortator, hotchpot, hypocist, isopathy, isotropy, oophytic, oratoric, orthotic, otopathy, paritors, parritch, partyist, patriots, photoist, phratric, phthoric, picottah, piscator, pochoirs, poortith, porosity, portator, porthors, portitor, portrait, portrays, postcart, postotic, postriot, potatory, poticary, potycary, prioracy, proactor, proctors, prootics, protatic, protista, protract, pyrostat, pyrrhics, pyrrosia, ricottas, rootcaps, rotators, rotatory, schryari, scotopia, scriptor, sophoria, sorority, sortiary, straicht, strophic, syriarch, taproots, thyroria, tipcarts, toparchs, toparchy, topcoats, torosity, tractors, tractory, traitors, traitory, triarchs, triarchy, triptyca, triptych, trochars, trochart, yachtist
7 Letter Words for Orthopsychiatry
airport, airpost, airshot, airstop, aphotic, aphthic, aphyric, apricot, aprotic, aptotic, archspy, arishth, arroyos, ascript, astrict, athirst, atishoo, atrophy, atropic, atropos, cahoots, captors, carhops, carport, carrots, carroty, carshop, castory, cattish, chariot, charity, charpit, charpoy, charros, chattis, chhatri, choriso, chorist, choryos, chrotta, citator, cohorts, coothay, coparty, copitas, coprahs, copyist, corpora, corsair, cortaro, corypha, cothish, cottars, cryptos, cyathos, cypriot, haptics, haricot, harpist, hipshot, history, hoarish, hospita, hotpots, hotshot, hottish, hyporit, ichthys, ipocras, isochor, isocrat, isopach, isotach, isotopy, octrois, opacity, orators, oratory, orchats, orthros, ostiary, ostrich, otiatry, otocyst, paritor, parotic, parotis, parrots, parroty, pathics, patrico, patriot, patrist, photics, phrator, phratry, picaros, picotah, piratry, piscary, pochays, pochoir, poorish, porotic, portato, porthos, portico, portray, poschay, positor, postact, posthoc, potator, potshot, pottaro, procity, proctor, prootic, prosaic, prostoa, protist, psoatic, pyocyst, pyrotic, pyrrhic, pythias, raptors, ratshit, rattish, rhachis, rhaphis, rhyptic, ricotta, risotto, rootcap, rosario, rosttra, rotator, satyric, scorpio, scripto, scrotta, scyphoi, shittah, shophar, shortia, shritch, sophora, sortita, sothiac, spathic, spraich, spraith, spratty, spritty, starchy, startor, stirrah, stratic, styptic, tachist, taproot, tapstry, tarrish, tartish, thatchy, thirsty, thorias, thratch, thristy, throats, throaty, tipcart, tipcats, tooarts, toparch, topcast, topcoat, topiary, torpors, tortays, toshach, toyotas, toyshop, tractor, traitor, trapish, traship, triarch, tricars, trichys, tricots, tripart, tritaph, trocars, trochar, tropary, trophic, tropics, tropist, tryptic, yashiro, ypocras, yttrias
6 Letter Words for Orthopsychiatry
acrisy, acrity, actors, actory, ahchoo, airths, aorist, aortic, archit, arioso, aristo, arrish, arroyo, artics, artist, artois, ashpit, asport, astoop, athort, atopic, attics, atypic, cahoot, capots, capris, capros, captor, carhop, carity, carpos, carrot, carrys, cartop, cashoo, castor, castro, cathop, cathro, chairs, chaori, charro, charrs, charry, charts, chasty, chatti, chatty, chiros, chirps, chirpy, chirrs, chirts, chitra, chitty, choaty, choirs, choora, choosy, chopas, choria, chorio, chotts, christ, chytra, coapts, coatis, cohort, cohosh, cohost, coopts, copart, copays, copist, copita, coprah, copras, coptis, corita, corpsy, coryph, costar, costia, cottar, cottas, coyish, crispy, crista, cristy, criths, crypta, crypto, crypts, cyathi, cypris, cytost, hachis, hachoo, hairst, haiths, haoris, haptic, haptor, harico, harish, harris, hirtch, hitchy, hooray, hootay, horahs, horary, horrah, horray, hostry, hotcha, hotpot, hypoth, ichors, irtysh, ischar, ishtar, isopor, isotac, octary, octroi, octroy, oocyst, ophrys, optics, orachs, orator, orchat, orchis, orphic, orthic, orthos, osophy, ostrca, ostrya, ottars, parchy, parish, parity, paroch, parrot, partis, pashto, pastor, pastry, patchy, pathic, pathos, patios, patois, pattoo, payors, pharos, phasic, phasor, phatic, phocas, phoria, photic, photos, phrasy, phthor, physic, physio, phytic, picaro, picary, picory, picots, picras, piotty, piracy, piraty, piroot, pitchy, pithos, pittas, poachy, pochay, poisha, pooris, poorts, portas, portia, portio, postic, potash, potato, pothos, pottah, pottos, pracis, pratts, pratty, priors, priory, pritch, proach, proart, prorsa, prosar, prosit, psoric, psycho, ptotic, pyrrha, pythia, rachis, racist, raphis, rapist, raport, raptor, rarish, rarity, rasoir, ratios, ratoos, rhachi, rhapis, rhotic, rhytta, richts, riotry, ristra, rocroi, roopit, roosty, rootsy, ropish, rosary, rosita, rotary, rotors, sartor, satori, scaith, scarph, scarry, scarth, scathy, scatty, sciath, scoria, scotia, scotty, scrapy, scrath, script, scroop, scrota, scypha, scyphi, shapoo, sharry, shirra, shirty, shitty, shorty, shotty, shtchi, shypoo, siphac, sircar, sirrah, sittar, sophia, sophic, sophta, sorroa, sothic, sparch, sparry, sparth, spatio, spoach, sporty, spotty, sproat, sproty, stairy, staith, starch, starry, starty, static, stator, stirra, stitch, stithy, stoach, stocah, stoory, stooth, storay, stract, strait, strath, strati, strich, strict, stripy, stroot, stroth, strych, syriac, syrtic, tachos, tactor, taisch, taoist, tapirs, tapist, tarish, tarocs, tarots, tarpot, tartro, tatchy, tatoos, tchast, thatch, thirst, thirty, thocht, thoria, thoric, thorps, thrash, thraso, thrast, thrips, thrist, throat, thyrsi, tipcat, titchy, toasty, tooart, tooths, toothy, tootsy, topato, topics, torchy, torics, toroth, torpor, tortis, tortor, tostao, totora, toyish, toyota, tracts, traist, traits, trashy, triacs, triact, triary, tricar, trichy, tricot, triops, triors, tripos, tripot, trisha, tritor, troats, trocar, trocha, trochi, troops, trophi, trophy, tropia, tropic, troths, typhia, typhic, typica, typist, typtos, yachts, yachty, yahoos, yaoort, yartos, yirths, yttria, yttric
5 Letter Words for Orthopsychiatry
achoo, achor, acost, acris, actor, actos, ahoys, airth, airts, aitch, aphis, apios, apish, aport, archt, archy, ariot, arish, arist, arith, aroph, arris, artic, artsy, ascot, ascry, ashir, ashot, aspic, astir, astor, atocs, atopy, atrip, attic, attry, atypy, cahot, cairo, caphs, capos, capot, capri, carot, carpi, carps, carri, carrs, carry, carts, carty, cathy, catso, catty, cayos, chair, chais, chait, chaos, chaps, charr, chars, chart, chary, chati, chats, chays, chiao, chias, chios, chips, chiro, chirp, chirr, chirt, chits, choir, choop, chopa, chops, chort, chota, chott, choya, chria, ciaos, cipro, cista, coapt, coart, coast, coati, coats, cohos, coirs, coits, coops, coopt, coost, cooth, coots, cooty, copay, copia, copis, copra, copsy, corah, coria, coroa, corps, corso, corsy, corta, costa, coths, cothy, cotta, cotts, cotty, coyos, craps, crapy, crash, crays, crips, crisp, crith, crits, croat, crois, crops, crosa, crost, crypt, cryst, cyath, hacht, hairs, hairy, haith, haori, haros, harps, harpy, harry, harsh, harst, harts, hasht, hashy, hasty, hatch, hathi, hatti, hatty, hayti, hicht, hirst, hitch, hiyas, hoars, hoary, hoast, hoist, hooch, hoops, hoosh, hoots, hooty, hopis, horah, horas, horry, horst, hosta, hotch, hothr, hoyas, hypha, hypho, hypos, hyrst, ichor, ichth, iotas, isort, itchy, iyyar, oaric, oaths, ochro, ochry, octas, ohias, opahs, ophic, ophir, optic, orach, oracy, orary, orcas, oriya, orpit, orris, ortho, oscar, oshac, ostia, otary, ottar, ottos, pacos, pacts, pahos, pairs, pairt, parch, paris, parrs, parry, parsi, parti, parto, parts, party, pasch, pasto, pasty, patch, paths, pathy, patio, patsy, patty, payor, pharo, phish, phoca, phohs, photo, phots, physa, picas, picot, picra, picry, pioys, pirot, pisay, pisco, pitas, pitch, piths, pithy, pitta, poach, pooch, poohs, poori, poort, poots, pooty, porch, poria, poros, porry, porta, porto, ports, porty, posca, posho, posit, potch, potos, potsy, potti, potto, potts, potty, praos, prats, pratt, praty, prays, prich, prior, proas, proos, proso, prost, prosy, proto, psoai, psora, psych, ptyas, pyats, pyots, pyric, pyros, raits, rapic, raspy, rasty, ratch, raths, ratio, ratoo, ratos, ratti, ratty, rhyta, richt, riots, ritts, roach, roars, roary, roast, rocta, roist, roops, roopy, roosa, roost, rooti, roots, rooty, roric, rorts, rorty, roshi, rosit, rosti, rotas, rotch, rotis, rotor, rotos, rotta, royst, ryots, sacro, sacry, sairy, saith, sapir, sapit, sapor, sarip, sarpo, satyr, scapi, scarp, scart, scary, scath, scatt, scoop, scoot, scopa, scott, scrap, scrat, scray, scrip, scrit, scroo, shahi, shapy, sharp, shchi, shiah, shipt, shirr, shirt, shita, shoat, shooi, shoop, shoor, shoot, short, shott, shoya, shrap, shrip, sicht, siroc, sirop, sirra, sitao, sitar, sitch, sitta, soapi, soapy, soary, socht, sooth, sooty, sophi, sophy, sopor, sopra, sorra, sorry, sorta, sorty, sotho, spahi, spair, spait, spart, spary, spath, spica, spicy, spira, spiro, spiry, spoor, spoot, sport, sprat, spray, sprit, sprot, staio, stair, staph, starr, start, stary, stchi, stich, stipa, stipo, stirp, stith, stoai, stoat, stoic, stoit, stoop, stoot, stopa, stopt, story, strap, stray, stria, strip, strit, strop, stroy, styca, syrah, syria, tachi, tacho, tachs, tacit, tacos, tacso, tacts, tahrs, taich, taipo, taish, taits, tapir, tapis, tapit, taroc, taros, tarot, tarps, tarri, tarry, tarsi, tarts, tarty, tasco, tasty, taths, tatoo, tayir, tchai, thars, thats, thirt, thoro, thorp, thort, thoth, thrap, thrip, tiars, tichy, tipsy, tirrs, tisar, titar, titch, toast, tocos, tohos, toist, toits, toity, toosh, tooth, toots, topas, tophi, tophs, topia, topic, topoi, topos, topsy, torch, torcs, toric, toros, torot, torrs, torso, torta, torts, tosca, toshy, toyos, tract, trait, traps, trapt, trash, trasy, trats, trays, triac, trias, trica, trior, trios, trips, tript, tripy, trist, troat, troca, troch, troco, troic, trois, troop, troot, troth, trots, troys, trypa, tryps, tryst, typha, typic, typos, typto, tyros, yacht, yahoo, yarrs, yarry, yarth, yarto, yirrs, yirth, yoops, yrapt, ytost
4 Letter Words for Orthopsychiatry
achy, acop, acor, acpt, acth, acts, ahhs, ahoy, airs, airt, airy, aith, aits, apio, apis, apts, arch, arco, arcs, aris, arri, arts, arty, asci, ashy, asio, asop, asor, aspy, astr, atip, atis, atoc, atop, atry, atty, cair, caph, capi, capo, caps, capt, carp, carr, cars, cart, cash, cast, cath, cats, cays, chai, chao, chap, char, chas, chat, chay, chia, chih, chip, chis, chit, chop, choy, chry, ciao, cipo, cira, cist, cito, cits, city, coat, coho, coir, coit, coop, coos, coot, copa, copr, cops, copt, copy, cora, corp, corr, cors, cort, cory, cosh, cost, coth, coto, cots, cott, coyo, coys, crap, cray, crip, cris, crit, croh, crop, croy, crts, cyst, hair, hait, haps, haro, harp, harr, hart, hash, hasp, hast, hath, hats, hatt, hays, hics, hips, hipt, hiro, hish, hist, hits, hiya, hoar, hoas, hoch, hoho, hohs, hoit, hoop, hoos, hoot, hopi, hops, hora, hors, hort, hory, hosp, host, hoth, hoti, hots, hoya, hoys, http, hypo, hyps, hypt, icao, icho, ichs, iocs, iota, ipso, isth, itas, itch, itsy, iyar, oars, oary, oast, oath, oats, oaty, ocas, ochs, ocht, octa, ohia, ohio, ohos, ohoy, oohs, oops, oory, oosy, oots, opah, opai, opsy, opts, oras, orca, orch, orcs, orra, orth, orts, osar, osha, otic, otis, otto, paco, pacs, pact, pacy, pahi, paho, pahs, pair, pais, parc, pari, parr, pars, part, pash, pasi, paso, past, path, pato, pats, patt, paty, pays, payt, phar, phat, phis, phit, phoh, phoo, phos, phot, phys, pias, pica, pich, pico, pics, pict, pioy, pirr, pirs, pisa, pish, piso, pist, pita, pith, pits, pity, poas, poco, poha, pohs, pois, pooa, pooh, poor, poos, poot, porc, porr, port, pory, posh, post, posy, poti, pots, pott, prao, prat, pray, prio, proa, proc, proo, pros, prys, psha, psia, ptah, ptts, pyas, pyat, pyic, pyot, pyro, rach, racy, rahs, rais, rait, raps, rapt, rash, rasp, rast, rath, rato, rats, rays, rcpt, rhos, rias, rich, ricy, riot, ripa, rips, ript, risc, risp, rist, rita, rits, ritt, roar, roch, rocs, roit, roop, roos, root, ropy, rort, rory, rosa, rost, rosy, rota, rotc, roti, roto, rots, royt, ryas, ryot, saco, sahh, saic, saip, sair, sapo, sari, sart, sati, scap, scar, scat, scho, scop, scot, scry, scyt, shah, shap, shay, shia, shih, ship, shir, shit, shoo, shop, shor, shot, shpt, shri, sich, sita, sith, soap, soar, soca, soco, soho, soir, soop, soot, soph, sora, sori, sort, sory, soth, spar, spat, spay, spic, spit, spor, spot, spry, srac, stap, star, stat, stay, stir, stoa, stop, stor, stot, stra, syph, syrt, tach, taco, tact, tahr, tais, tait, taos, taps, tari, taro, tarp, tarr, tars, tart, tash, tath, tats, tays, tchr, thai, thar, that, thio, thir, this, thoo, thor, thos, thro, tiao, tiar, tich, tics, tips, tipt, tirr, tits, toat, toch, toco, tocs, toho, toit, toop, toot, toph, topi, topo, tops, torc, tori, toro, torr, tors, tort, tosa, tosh, tosy, toto, tots, toty, toyo, toys, trac, trah, trap, trat, tray, trio, trip, trit, trop, trot, troy, tryp, tryt, tshi, tsia, typo, typy, tyro, tyrr, tyto, yahi, yahs, yair, yaps, yarr, yati, yays, yips, yirr, yoho, yoop, yoyo
3 Letter Words for Orthopsychiatry
ach, act, acy, ahh, ahi, aho, ahs, air, ais, ait, aor, apc, aph, apr, apt, arc, arr, ars, art, ary, ash, asp, ast, atp, att, ayr, ays, cai, cap, car, cat, cay, cha, chi, cho, chs, cia, cir, cis, cit, coo, cop, cor, cos, cot, coy, cpa, cpi, cpo, cpr, cps, cpt, cro, crs, crt, cry, csi, csp, cst, cto, ctr, cts, cyp, hao, hap, has, hat, hay, hia, hic, hip, hir, his, hit, hoa, hoc, hoh, hoi, hoo, hop, hor, hos, hot, hoy, hrs, hts, hyp, iao, ich, icy, ihp, ihs, ios, iph, ipo, ipr, ips, ira, irs, ish, iso, ist, ita, its, iyo, oar, oas, oat, oca, och, oct, oho, ohs, ois, ooh, oop, oor, oos, oot, opa, ops, opt, ora, orc, ors, ort, ory, osi, otc, oto, oys, pac, pah, par, pas, pat, pay, pci, pct, phi, pho, phr, pht, pia, pic, pir, pis, pit, poa, poh, poi, poo, por, pos, pot, poy, prc, pro, prs, pry, psi, pst, pta, pts, ptt, pty, pya, pyr, rah, rai, rap, ras, rat, ray, rct, rha, rho, rhy, ria, rio, rip, rit, roc, roi, roo, ros, rot, rps, rpt, rti, rya, sac, sah, sai, sao, sap, sar, sat, say, sch, sci, scr, sct, sha, shh, shi, sho, shp, shr, sht, shy, sic, sip, sir, sit, soc, sop, sot, soy, spa, spt, spy, sri, sta, str, sty, syr, tai, tao, tap, tar, tas, tat, tay, tch, tcp, tha, tho, thy, tic, tip, tis, tit, toa, toc, toi, too, top, tor, tos, tot, toy, tph, tpi, tps, tra, tri, trp, trs, trt, try, tsh, tsi, tsp, tst, tty, typ, tyr, tyt, yah, yap, yar, yas, yat, yay, yip, yis, yoi, yor, yos, yot, yoy, yrs
Definitions for Orthopsychiatry
[1] an approach to psychiatry concerned with the study and treatment of behavioral disorders, especially of young people.
[2] the study and treatment of mental disorders with emphasis on prevention during childhood
Words nearby Orthopsychiatry
orthopneic, orthopod, orthopoxvirus, orthopraxia, orthopraxy, orthopsychiatry, orthopter, orthopteran, orthopteron, orthopterous, orthoptic
Origin of Orthopsychiatry
First recorded in 1920–25; ortho- + psychiatry
Other words from Orthopsychiatry
or·tho·psy·chi·at·ric [awr-thoh-sahy-kee-a -trik] /ˌɔr θoʊˌsaɪ kiˈæ trɪk/ , or·tho·psy·chi·at·ri·cal , adjective
or·tho·psy·chi·a·trist , noun