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Showing words for OSCILLATION using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Oscillation

colonialist, oscillation

10 Letter Words for Oscillation

coalitions, collations, cotillions, iliocostal, octillions

9 Letter Words for Oscillation

coalition, coitional, collation, collinsia, collision, colonials, colonitis, cotillion, illations, isoclinal, isolation, latosolic, locations, lociation, noctilios, octillion, oscillant, scintilla, sociation

8 Letter Words for Oscillation

allicins, allision, callisto, castillo, coitions, colation, colistin, colonial, colonias, colonist, coolants, coontail, cotilion, illation, inositol, insocial, isotonia, isotonic, localist, location, noctilio, octanols, scallion, scillain, solation, stallion, stillion, stolonic, talionic, talionis

7 Letter Words for Oscillation

actions, alcosol, allicin, allicit, alnicos, asinico, atonics, calotin, cations, catlins, ciliola, citolas, clition, cloison, coation, coition, colitis, collins, colonia, coolant, cotonia, icosian, ilocano, incisal, install, instill, ionical, isocola, isolani, italics, latinos, latosol, liaison, lilacin, linolic, lintols, locatio, lolcats, lotions, nicosia, nicotia, nilotic, oasitic, octanol, octonal, oilcans, oilcoat, oolitic, salicin, scaloni, scintil, sciolto, scolion, scotino, silicon, sinical, solicit, soliton, stalino, stallon, stionic, stoical, talions, talonic, tincals, tonical

6 Letter Words for Oscillation

acinos, actins, action, actons, aiolis, aition, alinit, alison, allons, allots, alnico, aloins, alsoon, anilic, anisic, anisil, anisol, anitos, anolis, antics, ascill, atolls, atonic, calili, calloo, callot, calool, cantil, cantos, casini, casino, cation, catlin, cilial, citals, citola, clinal, clinia, clints, clitia, clonal, clonos, cloots, coatis, coital, colins, collat, collin, collis, colola, coloni, colons, conias, consol, contas, contos, coosin, costal, costia, cotans, cotoin, incast, inital, inosic, intail, intill, ionics, isatic, isatin, isotac, italic, lactol, latino, latins, lation, liason, lilacs, linacs, lintol, llanos, locals, lolcat, lotion, nastic, nicolo, nicols, noctis, nostic, nostoc, nostoi, octals, octans, oilcan, oncost, ostial, salloo, saloon, santii, santol, sation, scilla, scolia, scotal, scotia, sialic, sialon, silica, silico, sillon, sinaic, sintoc, snocat, social, sociol, solano, solion, solito, sonica, sotnia, stalin, stolon, tainos, talion, tallis, talons, ticals, ticino, tincal, tinosa, tocsin, toison, tolans, tollon, tonics, tonsil, toolsi

5 Letter Words for Oscillation

acini, acoin, acool, acost, actin, acton, actos, aillt, ainoi, aioli, aitis, aliso, alist, allis, alloo, allot, aloin, altin, altos, anils, anoil, anoli, antic, antis, ascii, ascon, ascot, atocs, atoll, cains, calin, calli, callo, calls, calos, canis, canli, canos, canso, canst, canto, cants, catso, ciaos, cilia, cills, cions, cista, cital, clans, clast, clats, clint, clits, cloit, clons, cloot, clots, coals, coast, coati, coats, coils, coins, coits, colas, colat, colin, colla, colls, colon, colts, conal, conia, conli, const, conta, conto, cools, coons, coost, coots, cosin, costa, cotan, icons, ictal, iliac, ilial, ilion, inact, incas, inial, insol, intil, intis, ionia, ionic, iotas, isiac, islot, isoln, lacis, lacto, laics, lants, latin, laton, licit, lilac, lilas, lilos, lilts, linac, linos, lints, lions, litai, litas, llano, loans, loast, local, locos, loins, lonas, loons, loots, lotan, lotas, lotic, lotos, nails, niais, nicol, nills, nilot, niota, nitos, noils, nolls, nolos, notal, octal, octan, octas, oints, oisin, olios, ollas, olona, oncia, ontal, ontic, oonts, oscan, oscin, ostia, saint, salic, salol, salon, salto, sanct, sanit, santo, satin, scail, scall, scalt, scant, scian, scion, sclat, scoon, scoot, sinai, sinal, sitao, sitio, slain, slait, slant, sloan, sloat, sloot, snail, snool, snoot, socii, solan, solio, solon, sonic, sotol, stail, stain, staio, stall, still, stion, stoai, stoic, stola, stoln, stool, stoon, tacos, tacso, tails, taino, tains, talcs, talio, talis, talli, talls, talon, tasco, tical, tilia, tills, tinca, tisic, tlaco, tocos, toils, tolan, tolas, tolls, tonal, tonic, tools, toona, toons, tosca

4 Letter Words for Oscillation

acts, ails, ains, aint, aion, aits, alco, alii, alin, allo, alls, also, alto, alts, anil, anis, ansi, anti, ants, aoli, asci, asin, asio, atis, atli, atoc, cain, call, calo, cals, cans, cant, caon, cast, cats, ciao, cill, cion, cist, cito, cits, clan, clat, clin, clio, clit, clon, clos, clot, coal, coat, coil, coin, coit, cola, coli, coll, cols, colt, coni, cons, cont, cool, coon, coos, coot, cost, coto, cots, icao, icon, ilia, ills, ilot, inca, incl, inia, init, inst, inta, inti, intl, into, iocs, ions, iota, isnt, itai, ital, itas, itll, lacs, laic, lain, lait, lalo, lant, laos, last, lati, lats, lias, liin, lila, lilo, lilt, lina, lino, lins, lint, lion, list, liti, lits, loan, loca, loci, locn, loco, loin, loli, lolo, loon, loos, loot, lost, lota, loti, loto, lots, nail, naio, nais, naoi, naos, nasi, naso, nast, natl, nato, nats, nill, nils, nisi, nist, nito, nits, noil, noll, nolo, nolt, nota, nots, oast, oats, ocas, octa, oils, oint, olio, olla, onca, onst, onto, oons, oont, oots, oslo, otic, otis, saco, saic, sail, sain, sall, salt, sant, sati, scan, scat, scil, scot, sial, sian, sila, sill, silo, silt, sina, siol, sion, sita, siti, slat, slit, slon, sloo, slot, snit, snot, soca, soco, soil, sola, soln, solo, sool, soon, soot, stoa, taco, tail, tain, tais, talc, tali, tall, tans, taos, tiao, tics, till, tils, tinc, tins, toco, tocs, toil, tola, toll, tons, tool, toon, tosa, tsia

3 Letter Words for Oscillation

act, ail, ain, ais, ait, alc, all, aln, alo, als, alt, anc, ans, ant, asl, ast, cai, cal, can, cat, cia, cis, cit, cli, clo, cns, col, con, coo, cos, cot, csi, cst, ctn, cto, cts, iao, ill, ilo, inc, ins, int, ion, ios, isl, isn, iso, ist, ita, its, lac, lai, lan, lao, las, lat, lca, lin, lis, lit, loa, loc, loo, los, lot, lsc, lst, nas, nat, nco, nil, nis, nit, noa, nol, noo, nos, not, oas, oat, oca, oct, oii, oil, ois, ola, ona, oni, ono, ons, ont, oon, oos, oot, osi, otc, oto, sac, sai, sal, san, sao, sat, sci, sct, sic, sil, sin, sit, sla, slt, soc, sol, son, sot, sta, tai, tal, tan, tao, tas, tic, til, tin, tis, tlc, tln, tlo, toa, toc, toi, tol, ton, too, tos, tsi

Definitions for Oscillation

[1] an act or instance of oscillating.
[2] a single swing or movement in one direction of an oscillating body.
[3] fluctuation between beliefs, opinions, conditions, etc.
[4] Physics . an effect expressible as a quantity that repeatedly and regularly fluctuates above and below some mean value, as the pressure of a sound wave or the voltage of an alternating current. a single fluctuation between maximum and minimum values in such an effect.
[5] Mathematics . the difference between the least upper bound and the greatest lower bound of the functional values of a function in a given interval. Also called saltus. the limit of the oscillation in an interval containing a given point, as the length of the interval approaches zero.
[6] physics statistics regular fluctuation in value, position, or state about a mean value, such as the variation in an alternating current or the regular swinging of a pendulum a single cycle of such a fluctuation
[7] the act or process of oscillating

Words related to Oscillation

vibration, quivering, waving, doubt, hesitancy, misgiving, uncertainty, faltering

Words nearby Oscillation

oscillating circuit, oscillating engine, oscillating universe, oscillating universe theory, oscillating vision, oscillation, oscillator, oscillatory, oscillatory potential, oscillogram, oscillograph

Origin of Oscillation

1650–60; < Latin oscillātiōn- (stem of oscillātiō ) a swinging, equivalent to oscillāt(us ) (see oscillate) + -iōn- -ion

Other words from Oscillation

os′cil•la′ tion•al adj.

Synonyms for Oscillation

vibration, quivering, waving, swaying