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Showing words for OUCH using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Ouch
chou, ouch
3 Letter Words for Ouch
cho, hoc, och
Definitions for Ouch
[1] (used as an exclamation expressing sudden pain or dismay.)
[2] a clasp, buckle, or brooch, especially one worn for ornament.
[3] the setting of a precious stone.
[4] to adorn with or as if with ouches.
[5] an exclamation of sharp sudden pain
[6] a brooch or clasp set with gems
[7] the setting of a gem
Words related to Ouch
cry, displeasure, darn, oops
Words nearby Ouch
ouananiche, oubaas, oubangi, oubangui, oubliette, ouch, oud, oudh, oudry, oudtshoorn, ouessant
Origin of Ouch
21325–75; Middle English ouche (noun), for nouche (the phrase a nouche taken as an ouche; cf. apron) < Old French nosche ≪ Germanic
Word origin for Ouch
C15 an ouch, mistaken division of C14 a nouche, from Old French nouche, of Germanic origin; compare Old High German nusca buckle
Synonyms for Ouch
cry, darn, displeasure, oops