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Showing words for OUTER using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Outer
4 Letter Words for Outer
3 Letter Words for Outer
Definitions for Outer
[1] situated on or toward the outside; external; exterior: outer garments; an outer wall.
[2] situated farther out or farther from the center: the outer reaches of space.
[3] of or relating to the external world.
[4] being or located on the outside; external
[5] further from the middle or central part
[6] archery the white outermost ring on a target a shot that hits this ring
[7] Australian the unsheltered part of the spectator area at a sports ground
[8] on the outer Australian and NZ informal excluded or neglected
Words related to Outer
exterior, outlying, alien, beyond, extraneous, extrinsic, outermost, outside, outward, over, peripheral, remote, superficial, surface, without, outmost, exoteric
Words nearby Outer
outdoorsy, outdraw, outdrive, outdweller, outen, outer, outer automorphism, outer bar, outer barrister, outer ear, outer garments
Origin of Outer
Middle English word dating back to 1350–1400; see origin at out, -er4
Other words from Outer
out·er·ness , noun
Synonyms for Outer
exterior, outlying, alien, beyond, exoteric, extraneous, extrinsic, outermost, outmost, outside, outward, over, peripheral, remote, superficial, surface, without