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Showing words for OUTFITTER using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Outfitter
8 Letter Words for Outfitter
7 Letter Words for Outfitter
6 Letter Words for Outfitter
5 Letter Words for Outfitter
4 Letter Words for Outfitter
3 Letter Words for Outfitter
Definitions for Outfitter
[1] an assemblage of articles that equip a person for a particular task, role, trade, etc.: an explorer's outfit.
[2] a set of usually matching or harmonious garments and accessories worn together; coordinated costume; ensemble: a new spring outfit.
[3] a set of articles for any purpose: a cooking outfit.
[4] a group associated in an undertaking requiring close cooperation, as a military unit.
[5] a business firm engaged in a particular form of commercial enterprise: a construction outfit.
[6] any company, party, or set.
[7] the act of fitting out or equipping for any purpose, as for a voyage, journey, or expedition.
[8] mental, physical, or moral equipment.
[9] to furnish with an outfit, equipment, etc.; fit out; equip: to outfit an expedition to the South Pole.
[10] Nautical . to finish equipping (a vessel) at a dock.
[11] to furnish oneself with an outfit.
[12] a shop that sells men's clothes
[13] a person who provides outfits
[14] a set of articles or equipment for a particular task, occupation, etc
[15] a set of clothes, esp a carefully selected one
[16] informal any group or association regarded as a cohesive unit, such as a military company, business house, etc
[17] the act of fitting out
[18] Canadian (formerly) the annual shipment of trading goods and supplies sent by a fur company to its trading posts
[19] to furnish or be furnished with an outfit, equipment, etc
Words related to Outfitter
outfittailor, couturier, costumer, seamstress, clothier
Words nearby Outfitter
outfitoutface, outfall, outfield, outfielder, outfighting, outfit, outfit car, outfitter, outflank, outflow, outflux
Origin of Outfitter
First recorded in 1755–65; out- + fit1
Other words from Outfitter
out·fit·ter , noun
pre·out·fit , verb (used with object), pre·out·fit·ted, pre·out·fit·ting.
re·out·fit , verb (used with object), re·out·fit·ted, re·out·fit·ting.