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Showing words for OUTGO using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Outgo
4 Letter Words for Outgo
3 Letter Words for Outgo
Definitions for Outgo
[1] the act or process of going out: Her illness occasioned a tremendous outgo of affectionate concern.
[2] money paid out; expenditure: a record of income and outgo.
[3] something that goes out; outflow: The outgo of electrical energy had to be increased.
[4] to go beyond; outdistance: to outgo the minimum rquirements.
[5] to surpass, excel, or outdo: Each child was encouraged to outgo the others.
[6] Archaic . to go faster than; excel in speed.
[7] (tr) to exceed or outstrip
[8] cost; outgoings; outlay
[9] something that goes out; outflow
Words related to Outgo
disbursement, outlay, figure, consumption, price, rate, value, amount, cost, output, expense, investment, spending, expenditure, loan, funding, payment, outweigh, exceed, beat
Words nearby Outgo
outfox, outfrown, outgas, outgeneral, outgiving, outgo, outgoing, outgoings, outgrow, outgrowth, outguess
Origin of Outgo
First recorded in 1520–30; out- + go1
Synonyms for Outgo
amount, consumption, cost, disbursement, expense, figure, investment, outlay, output, price, rate, spending, value, application, charge, dissipation, kickback, payoff, setback, splurge, throw, tune, use, valuation, waste, bottom line, cash on barrelhead, come to, squander