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Showing words for OUTPORT using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Outport
6 Letter Words for Outport
outtop, pottur, prutot, puttoo, uproot
5 Letter Words for Outport
poort, porto, potto, proto, putto, torot, tourt, troop, troot, trout, tutor
4 Letter Words for Outport
otto, outr, poor, poot, port, pott, pour, pout, proo, prut, putt, roop, root, roto, roup, rout, toop, toot, topo, toro, tort, toru, toto, toup, tour, tout, trop, trot, turp, uroo
3 Letter Words for Outport
oop, oor, oot, opt, ort, oto, oup, our, out, poo, por, pot, pro, ptt, pur, put, roo, rot, rpt, rut, too, top, tor, tot, tou, trp, trt, tup, tur, tut, upo, urp
Definitions for Outport
[1] a secondary seaport close to a larger one but beyond its corporate limits or jurisdiction.
[2] Canadian . an isolated fishing village, especially on the Newfoundland coast.
[3] mainly British a subsidiary port built in deeper water than the original port
[4] Canadian one of the many isolated fishing villages located in the bays and other indentations of the Newfoundland coast
Words nearby Outport
outperform, outplace, outplacement, outplay, outpoint, outport, outporter, outpost, outpour, outpouring, outpull
Origin of Outport
First recorded in 1635–45; out- + port1