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Showing words for OUTRIGHT using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Outright
6 Letter Words for Outright
5 Letter Words for Outright
4 Letter Words for Outright
3 Letter Words for Outright
Definitions for Outright
[1] complete or total: an outright loss.
[2] downright or unqualified: an outright refusal.
[3] without further payments due, restrictions, or qualifications: an outright sale of the car.
[4] Archaic . directed straight out or on.
[5] completely; entirely.
[6] without restraint, reserve, or concealment; openly: Tell me outright what's bothering you.
[7] at once; instantly: to be killed outright.
[8] without further payments due, restrictions, or qualifications: to own the house outright.
[9] Archaic . straight out or ahead; directly onward.
[10] without qualifications or limitations outright ownership
[11] complete; total an outright lie
[12] straightforward; direct an outright manner
[13] without restrictions buy outright
[14] without reservation or concealment ask outright
[15] instantly he was killed outright
[16] obsolete straight ahead or out
Words related to Outright
wholesale, unmitigated, unequivocal, pure, utter, downright, absolute, all, arrant, consummate, definite, direct, entire, flat, gross, out-and-out, perfect, positive, straightforward, thorough
Words nearby Outright
outreach, outremont, outride, outrider, outrigger, outright, outring, outro, outrow, outrun, outrunner
Origin of Outright
Middle English word dating back to 1250–1300; see origin at out, right
Other words from Outright
out·right·ness , noun
Synonyms for Outright
absolute, downright, pure, unequivocal, unmitigated, utter, wholesale, all, arrant, consummate, definite, direct, entire, flat, gross, out-and-out, perfect, positive, straightforward, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, undeniable, unqualified, whole