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Showing words for OUTSIZE using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Outsize


6 Letter Words for Outsize

touzes, tozies

5 Letter Words for Outsize

etuis, euois, izote, sotie, suite, toise, touse, touze, tozes, tozie, zeist, zoist

4 Letter Words for Outsize

etui, euoi, otis, otus, oust, outs, ouze, seit, site, situ, sitz, size, sout, stie, stue, suet, suez, suit, ties, toes, tose, toze, tues, tuis, utes, utis, zest, zeus, zite, zits

3 Letter Words for Outsize

eos, est, esu, ezo, ios, iou, ise, iso, ist, isz, its, oes, oie, ois, ose, osi, oui, ous, out, ozs, sei, set, sez, sie, sit, sot, sou, sue, sui, suz, tes, tez, tie, tis, tiu, toe, toi, tos, tou, tsi, tue, tui, uit, use, ust, ute, uti, uts, uzi, zit, zos

Definitions for Outsize

[1] an uncommon or irregular size, especially one larger than average.
[2] a garment of such a size.
[3] Also out·sized . being unusually or abnormally large, heavy, extensive, etc.: a rack of outsize dresses; an outsize puppy; pampering an outsize ego.
[4] Also: outsized very large or larger than normal outsize tomatoes
[5] something outsize, such as a garment or person
[6] (modifier) relating to or dealing in outsize clothes an outsize shop

Words related to Outsize

corpulent, obese, pudgy, enormous, humongous, tremendous, great, monstrous, magnificent, giant, colossal, immense, monumental, mammoth, massive, gargantuan, towering, gigantic, extensive, vast

Words nearby Outsize

outsider, outsider art, outsight, outsing, outsit, outsize, outskirt, outskirts, outsleep, outsmart, outsoar

Origin of Outsize

First recorded in 1835–45; out- + size1

Synonyms for Outsize

corpulent, adipose, avoirdupois, fat, fleshy, gross, heavy, paunchy, plump, porcine, portly, pudgy, rotund, stout