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Showing words for OUTWIT using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Outwit
4 Letter Words for Outwit
3 Letter Words for Outwit
Definitions for Outwit
[1] to get the better of by superior ingenuity or cleverness; outsmart: to outwit a dangerous opponent.
[2] Archaic . to surpass in wisdom or knowledge.
[3] to get the better of by cunning or ingenuity
[4] archaic to be of greater intelligence than
Words related to Outwit
deceive, outfox, outmaneuver, cheat, gull, confuse, hoax, have, circumvent, defraud, trick, bewilder, outsmart, top, finagle, bamboozle, beat, baffle, overreach, worst
Words nearby Outwit
outwash plain, outwatch, outwear, outweigh, outwent, outwit, outwith, outwork, outworn, outwrite, outyear
Origin of Outwit
First recorded in 1645–55; out- + wit1
Synonyms for Outwit
deceive, outfox, outmaneuver, baffle, bamboozle, beat, bewilder, cap, cheat, circumvent, con, confuse, defeat, defraud, dupe, finagle, fox, goose, gull, gyp, have, hoax, hoodwink, mislead, outdo, outgeneral, outguess, outsmart, overreach, swindle, top, trick, worst, end run, fake out, figure out, jip, juke, lead astray, outjockey, outthink, take in