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Showing words for OVAL using the English dictionary

4 Letter Words for Oval

oval, vola

3 Letter Words for Oval

alo, avo, lao, lav, loa, ola, ova, val, vol

Definitions for Oval

[1] having the general form, shape, or outline of an egg; egg-shaped.
[2] ellipsoidal or elliptical.
[3] an object of oval shape.
[4] a body or plane figure that is oval in shape or outline.
[5] an elliptical field or a field on which an elliptical track is laid out, as for athletic contests.
[6] Informal . a football.
[7] having the shape of an ellipse or ellipsoid
[8] anything that is oval in shape, such as a sports ground
[9] the Oval a cricket ground in south London, in the borough of Lambeth

Words related to Oval

elliptical, ovoid, oblong, egg-shaped, ovate, oviform, ellipsoidal, elliptic

Words nearby Oval

ouzo, ouémé, ov language, ov-, ova, oval, oval amputation, oval foramen, oval fossa, oval kumquat, oval of cassini

Origin of Oval

1560–70; < New Latin ōvālis, equivalent to Latin ōv(um ) egg1 + -ālis -al1

Other words from Oval

o·val·ly , adverb
o·val·ness , noun
half-o·val , adjective, noun
pseu·do·o·val , adjective
pseu·do·o·val·ly , adverb
sem·i·o·val , adjective
sem·i·o·val·ly , adverb
sem·i·o·val·ness , noun

Word origin for Oval

C16: from Medieval Latin ōvālis, from Latin ōvum egg

Synonyms for Oval

elliptical, oblong, ovoid, egg-shaped, ellipsoidal, elliptic, ooid, ovaloid, ovate, oviform