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Showing words for OVERBOARD using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Overboard
7 Letter Words for Overboard
6 Letter Words for Overboard
5 Letter Words for Overboard
4 Letter Words for Overboard
3 Letter Words for Overboard
Definitions for Overboard
[1] over the side of a ship or boat, especially into or in the water: to fall overboard.
[2] go overboard , to go to extremes, especially in regard to approval or disapproval of a person or thing: I think the critics went overboard in panning that new show.
[3] from on board a vessel into the water
[4] go overboard informal to be extremely enthusiastic to go to extremes
[5] throw overboard to reject or abandon
Words related to Overboard
frenzied, fanatical, delirious, zealous, enthusiastic, crazed, virulent, furious, fervent, extra, enormous, needless, exaggerated, superfluous, inordinate, unreasonable, redundant, undue, exorbitant, extravagant
Words nearby Overboard
overbid, overbite, overblouse, overblow, overblown, overboard, overbook, overboot, overbore, overborne, overbought
Origin of Overboard
before 1000; Middle English over bord, Old English ofer bord. See over, board
Synonyms for Overboard
crazed, delirious, enthusiastic, fanatical, fervent, frenzied, furious, virulent, zealous, berserk, bigoted, bitten, corybantic, crazy, deranged, extreme, extremist, flipped, foaming at the mouth, frantic, freaked out, frenetic, hot, infuriated, insane, intemperate, intolerant, irrational, keen, mad, mad-dog, narrow-minded, nutty, obsessed, poisoned, radical, raging, revolutionary, sick, sizzling, smoking, steamed up, ultra, ultraist, violent, wild