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Showing words for OVERTHROW using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Overthrow
7 Letter Words for Overthrow
6 Letter Words for Overthrow
5 Letter Words for Overthrow
4 Letter Words for Overthrow
3 Letter Words for Overthrow
Definitions for Overthrow
[1] to depose, as from a position of power; overcome, defeat, or vanquish: to overthrow a tyrant.
[2] to put an end to by force, as a government or institution.
[3] to throw or knock down; overturn; topple: The heavy winds overthrew numerous telephone poles and trees.
[4] to knock down and demolish.
[5] to throw (something) too far.
[6] Baseball . (of a pitcher) to throw too hard, often affecting control or straining the arm.
[7] Archaic . to destroy the sound condition of (the mind).
[8] to throw too far: If I hadn't overthrown, it would have been a sure putout.
[9] the act of overthrowing; state or condition of being overthrown.
[10] deposition from power.
[11] defeat; destruction; ruin.
[12] (tr) to effect the downfall or destruction of (a ruler, institution, etc), esp by force
[13] (tr) to throw or turn over
[14] (tr) to throw (something, esp a ball) too far
[15] an act of overthrowing
[16] downfall; destruction
[17] cricket a ball thrown back too far by a fielder a run scored because of this
Words related to Overthrow
dethrone, oust, topple, subdue, depose, eradicate, abolish, crush, subvert, conquer, overcome, unseat, overturn, raze, overrun, vanquish, demolish, tumble, beat, upset
Words nearby Overthrow
overt, overtake, overtask, overtax, overthink, overthrow, overthrust, overthrust belt, overtime, overtire, overtired
Origin of Overthrow
Middle English word dating back to 1300–50; see origin at over-, throw
Other words from Overthrow
o·ver·throw·er , noun
pre·o·ver·throw , noun
pre·o·ver·throw , verb (used with object), pre·o·ver·threw, pre·o·ver·thrown, pre·o·ver·throw·ing.
un·o·ver·thrown , adjective
Synonyms for Overthrow
abolish, conquer, crush, depose, dethrone, eradicate, oust, overcome, overrun, overturn, put an end to, raze, subdue, subvert, topple, unseat, vanquish, beat, demolish, exterminate, level, liquidate, overpower, overwhelm, purge, ruin, subjugate, terminate, tip, tumble, upend, upset, bring down, bring to ruin, do away with, knock down, knock over