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Showing words for OVERTRUSTING using the English dictionary

12 Letter Words for Overtrusting


10 Letter Words for Overtrusting

introverts, outserving, outstriven, overstring, overstrung, oversuring, overturing, torturings, trousering

9 Letter Words for Overtrusting

gritstone, groutiest, introvert, invertors, neuristor, ostringer, outreigns, outstrive, overtrust, overturns, overusing, rerouting, resorting, restoring, retorting, retouring, retrusion, ritenutos, rosetting, rostering, strouting, torturing, troutings, trusteing, turnovers, turreting, tutorings, utterings, vesturing, vetturino

8 Letter Words for Overtrusting

ergotist, genitors, gitterns, goustier, goutiest, grievous, gritters, grottier, grouters, groutier, groutite, grunters, guerison, ignorers, interrog, intortus, introrse, inversor, invertor, investor, ortstein, ottering, ottinger, outgiven, outgives, outgrins, outreign, outrings, outsting, ouvriers, overruns, overrust, overstir, overtint, overturn, reovirus, restring, restrung, revoting, ringster, ritenuto, rortiest, roseting, rousting, routeing, routines, routings, runovers, runtiest, rutinose, ruttings, servitor, servoing, signetur, snortier, snottier, snoutier, souvenir, sterving, stouring, stringer, stronger, strounge, struvite, sturgeon, sturting, sturtion, tenorist, tentigos, tigernut, tongster, torrents, tortures, tourings, toustier, treitour, tritones, trouters, troutier, trouting, trustier, trusting, turgites, turnover, tutoring, unegoist, unrivets, uttering, ventrous, venturis, viretots, virtuose, vitreous, voguiest, voitures

7 Letter Words for Overtrusting

egotist, entrist, entrust, envigor, envious, enviros, ergotin, eringos, errings, genitor, gestion, girners, gittern, goiters, goriest, gorsier, goustie, goutier, gouttes, governs, grinter, griotte, grister, gritten, gritter, grivets, grosert, grouser, grouter, grovers, grovets, grunter, grutten, guniter, gunites, gunster, gunters, gurnets, gurries, gustier, gutrots, gutsier, gutters, guttier, gutties, guvnors, igneous, ignorer, ignores, ignotus, instore, insurer, insurge, intorts, intruse, intruso, inverts, ironers, negrito, nervous, nigrous, nitrous, niveous, norites, nutsier, nutters, nuttier, ogtiern, orients, ouriest, ousting, outgive, outgrin, outings, outrigs, outring, outrive, outsert, outsing, outtire, outvier, outvies, ouvrier, overgun, overing, overrun, regions, renvois, resting, restung, resuing, retints, retorts, retours, retrust, retting, rettorn, returns, reusing, revigor, revuist, rigouts, ringers, rioters, ritters, roister, rongeur, roriest, rorting, rosting, rotguts, rottens, rotters, rotting, rousing, rouster, routers, routier, routine, routing, rovings, rueings, ruiners, runover, runrigs, runtier, rustier, rusting, rutters, ruttier, rutting, serring, serting, sertion, serving, setting, signeur, signore, sirvent, snorter, snotter, snottie, snouter, sorting, sotting, souring, soutter, stentor, stertor, stinger, stinter, stoiter, stonier, storier, storing, stoting, stourie, stouten, stouter, stoving, striven, striver, stuiver, stunter, sturine, sturtin, surgent, surgeon, surgier, surrein, tentigo, tenutos, territs, tersion, tertius, testing, tesvino, tetrous, teutons, tigrone, tinters, tongers, tonguer, tongues, toniest, tonites, tonsure, tornesi, torrens, torrent, torrets, torsive, tortive, torture, tourers, touries, touring, tourist, tousier, tousing, toustie, touters, toutier, touting, trigone, trigons, triones, tritone, tritons, triture, triunes, trivets, trouser, trouter, trouvre, trovers, trusion, trusten, truster, trustor, trutine, tueiron, tuniest, turgent, turgite, turgors, turions, turners, turrets, turrion, tutorer, tutsing, uniters, unovert, unrivet, unrrove, unstore, untrist, untrite, unvisor, urinose, veinous, venturi, versing, version, vertigo, verting, vesting, vetoing, vetoist, vetting, viretot, virgers, virtues, vitrous, vogiest, voguers, voguier, voiture, vorring, vouster

6 Letter Words for Overtrusting

egoist, egriot, engirt, entour, enviro, envois, ergots, eringo, erring, erugos, estrin, etrogs, ettins, geison, genius, genros, geront, gerris, gestio, gestor, girner, girons, gitter, giusto, givens, givers, goiest, goiter, goners, gorier, goster, gotten, gouter, goutte, govern, greins, griots, grison, grivet, groins, grones, groser, groset, groten, grouse, grouts, grover, groves, grovet, gruine, grunts, guiros, gunite, gunter, gurnet, gustie, gutrot, gutser, gutter, guttie, guvnor, ignore, ignote, inerts, ingest, ingoes, ingots, insert, insure, inters, intort, intros, intrus, intuse, inures, invert, invest, ironer, irones, isogen, isuret, negros, nervus, nestor, nigers, niters, nitros, nitter, nivose, noires, norite, nosier, nosite, noster, noters, notist, nurser, nutter, oengus, ogives, onsite, orgies, orgues, orient, orites, ortive, ostein, ostent, otters, ourier, ouster, outers, outing, outrig, outset, outsin, outsit, outvie, ouvert, oviger, ovines, region, regius, regurs, reigns, renigs, renoir, renvoi, reorgs, rerigs, rering, reruns, resign, resing, resort, restir, resuit, retint, retorn, retort, retour, retros, retrot, return, revoir, rigors, rigout, ringer, rinser, rioter, ritter, rivers, rivets, rivose, rogers, rogues, ronier, rontes, rosier, rosing, roster, rotgut, roting, rotten, rotter, rottes, roture, rouens, rouges, rounge, rouser, router, routes, rovers, roving, rueing, rugine, rugose, ruiner, ruings, runite, runrig, rusine, rustre, rutins, rutter, senior, sering, setout, signer, signet, signor, singer, sinter, sitten, sitter, snorer, soigne, soneri, songer, soring, sorite, sorner, sorren, sorter, sortie, sotter, sottie, souren, sourer, souter, soviet, sovite, stenog, sterin, stinge, stingo, stirre, stiver, stogie, stoner, storer, storge, stoter, stotin, stoure, stoven, stover, streit, streng, strent, strine, string, strive, strone, strong, strout, strove, strung, strunt, sturin, sturte, sugent, suiter, suitor, surger, suring, sutten, sutter, suttin, tenors, tensor, tentor, tenuis, tenuit, tenuti, tenuto, territ, terron, tertio, terton, teston, testor, teuton, tiento, tigers, tigons, tinger, tinges, tinter, tiroes, tirret, titers, toeing, togues, toners, tonger, tongue, tonier, tonies, tonite, tornus, torret, torten, tortes, tortie, tortis, tortue, tosing, toters, toting, tourer, tourie, tourne, tourte, touser, touter, toutie, tretis, trevis, triens, triers, trigon, trigos, trines, triors, triose, triste, triter, trites, triton, tritor, triune, trivet, trogue, troner, trones, trouse, trouts, trover, troves, truest, truing, truong, tuners, tungos, tunier, tunist, turgor, turing, turion, turner, turnor, turret, tursio, tutors, ungets, ungive, uniter, unites, unrest, unrigs, unrove, unsore, unsort, unties, untire, untrig, unvest, unvote, urgent, urgers, urines, urites, ursine, ursone, urtite, ustion, utters, venous, venust, verist, versin, versor, vertus, vetust, vigone, vigors, viners, vinose, vinous, vinter, virent, vireos, virger, virges, virgos, virose, virous, virtue, virtus, vogier, voguer, vogues, voters, voting, votist, vouges

5 Letter Words for Overtrusting

enrut, entsi, envoi, eosin, ergon, ergot, ering, erron, erugo, eruvs, esrog, estro, etrog, ettin, etuis, euois, euros, geist, geits, genio, genit, genos, genro, gents, genus, girns, giron, giros, girrs, girru, girse, girts, gites, giust, given, giver, gives, goers, goier, goner, gorer, gores, gorse, gorst, goter, gouts, grein, greit, grens, grins, grint, griot, grist, grits, groin, grone, gront, grote, grots, grout, grove, grues, grunt, guest, guiro, guise, gurns, gurts, guser, gusto, gutte, gutti, inert, inger, ingot, inorg, inset, instr, insue, inter, intro, intsv, intue, inure, inust, iortn, ireos, irone, irons, irous, irreg, isort, iters, negro, negus, neist, nerts, nevis, nevus, niger, niter, nitos, nitro, noire, noirs, noise, noreg, norge, norie, noris, norit, norse, noser, nosig, noter, notes, notus, novus, nurrs, nurse, ogive, ogres, oints, oners, onset, orgue, ornes, ornis, orris, ortet, orvet, osier, otter, ourie, outen, outer, outre, ouvre, ovens, overs, overt, ovest, ovine, ovist, regin, regos, regur, reign, reins, reist, renig, rents, reorg, rerig, rerun, resin, resit, restr, resun, retin, retro, rigor, rines, ringe, rings, rinse, riots, risen, riser, rites, ritsu, ritts, ritus, riven, river, rives, rivet, rivos, roger, rogue, roins, roist, rones, ronte, ronts, rores, rorie, rorts, roser, roset, rosin, rosit, rosti, roter, rotes, rotge, rotis, rotte, rouen, roues, rouge, rouse, roust, route, routs, roven, rover, roves, rovet, ruers, ruing, ruins, runer, runes, rungs, runts, rusot, rutin, segni, segno, segou, sengi, senit, senor, senti, sergt, serin, serio, seron, serut, servo, seton, sient, sieur, singe, siren, siver, snirt, snite, snore, snort, snout, snurt, soger, soget, soign, sorer, sotie, sruti, stein, steng, steno, stent, steri, stern, stero, stert, stine, sting, stint, stion, stire, stite, stive, stoit, stone, stong, store, stoun, stout, stove, strig, strit, strue, strut, struv, stung, stunt, sture, sturt, suent, suine, suing, suint, suite, surer, surge, sutor, tegus, tengu, tenio, tenor, tenso, tents, terns, terrs, terts, tetri, tiens, tiers, tiger, tiges, tigon, tines, tinge, tings, tints, tirer, tires, tirrs, tirve, titer, tiver, toges, togue, toise, toist, toits, toner, tones, tongs, tonus, tores, toret, torrs, torse, torte, torts, torus, torve, toter, totes, touns, tourn, tours, tourt, touse, toust, touts, tovet, trest, trier, tries, trigo, trigs, trine, trins, trior, trios, trist, trite, trogs, trois, trone, trons, trots, troue, trout, trouv, trove, truer, trues, trugs, trust, tsine, tuner, tunes, tungo, tungs, tunis, turin, turio, turns, turse, tutin, tutor, unget, ungot, unist, unite, units, unrig, unset, untie, urent, urger, urges, urine, urite, urson, usent, usine, using, uster, uteri, utero, utter, uvito, uvres, veins, vents, venus, vergi, verso, verst, verts, vertu, verus, vetus, viers, vigor, viner, vines, vinet, vingt, vinos, vints, vireo, virge, virgo, viron, virtu, virus, visne, vison, visor, visto, vitro, vogie, vogue, voter, votes, vouge, voust

4 Letter Words for Overtrusting

egos, engr, engs, ento, entr, eons, ergo, ergs, erin, eris, erns, eros, errs, erst, eruv, eton, etui, euoi, euro, gein, geir, geit, gens, gent, genu, geos, gers, gest, gets, gien, gies, gins, gios, gire, girn, giro, girr, girt, gise, gist, gite, gits, give, gneu, gnus, goen, goer, goes, gois, gone, gons, gore, gote, gout, gove, govs, govt, gren, gret, grin, gris, grit, gros, grot, grue, grun, grus, gues, guns, gurn, gurr, gurs, gurt, gust, guts, gutt, guvs, ingo, inro, inst, into, intr, invt, ions, ires, iron, isnt, iter, iure, negs, nest, neti, nets, neut, nevi, nevo, nies, niog, nist, nito, nits, noes, nogs, noir, nore, nori, nose, note, nots, nott, nous, nout, nurr, nurs, nuts, ogre, oint, oner, ones, onst, onus, ores, orig, orts, otis, otus, ourn, ours, oust, outr, outs, oven, over, ovis, rego, regr, regs, regt, rein, reit, reno, rent, rest, rets, revs, rgen, rier, ries, rigs, rine, ring, rins, riot, rise, rist, rite, rits, ritt, rive, rivo, roer, roes, roin, roit, rone, rong, ront, rort, rose, rost, rote, roti, rots, roue, roun, rous, rout, rove, ruen, ruer, rues, rugs, ruin, rune, rung, runs, runt, ruse, rust, ruts, sego, seir, seit, sent, seor, serg, sero, serr, sert, serv, sett, sien, sier, sign, sine, sing, sion, sire, site, situ, snig, snit, snog, snot, snug, snur, soir, sone, song, sore, sori, sorn, sort, sour, sout, steg, sten, ster, stet, stge, stie, stir, stog, stor, stot, stre, stue, stug, stun, stut, suer, suet, sugi, suit, sune, sung, suni, sunt, sure, surg, surv, tegs, tegu, teng, tens, tent, tern, terr, test, tets, tien, tier, ties, tige, tigs, tine, ting, tins, tint, tire, tirr, tite, tits, toes, toge, togs, togt, toit, tone, tong, tons, tore, tori, torn, torr, tors, tort, toru, tose, tote, tots, toug, toun, tour, tout, tres, tret, trie, trig, trin, trio, trit, trog, tron, trot, true, trug, trun, tsun, tues, tugs, tuis, tune, tung, tuno, tuns, turn, turr, tute, tuts, ungt, unie, unio, unis, unit, univ, unto, ures, urge, urns, user, utes, utis, uvre, vein, vent, veri, vers, vert, vest, veto, vets, vier, vies, vigs, vine, vino, vins, vint, vise, vite, voes, voet, vogt, vors, vote, vugs

3 Letter Words for Overtrusting

ego, eir, eng, ens, env, eon, eos, erg, ern, err, ers, ert, esr, est, esu, evg, gen, geo, ger, get, gie, gin, gio, gis, git, gns, gnu, goi, gon, gor, gos, got, gou, gov, gro, grr, grs, gte, gtt, gue, gui, gun, gur, gus, gut, guv, ign, ing, ins, int, inv, ion, ios, iou, ire, irs, ise, isn, iso, ist, its, ive, neg, nei, neo, net, nie, nig, nis, nit, nog, nor, nos, not, nov, nur, nus, nut, oer, oes, oie, ois, one, oni, ons, ont, ore, org, ors, ort, ose, osi, oui, our, ous, out, reg, rei, res, rev, rie, rig, rin, rio, rit, riv, roe, rog, roi, ron, ros, rot, rte, rti, rue, rug, run, rut, seg, sei, sen, ser, set, sie, sig, sin, sir, sit, sog, son, sot, sou, sov, sri, stg, str, sue, sui, sun, sur, teg, ten, ter, tes, tet, tgn, tgt, tie, tig, tin, tis, tit, tiu, tng, tnt, toe, tog, toi, ton, tor, tos, tot, tou, tov, tri, trs, trt, tsi, tst, tue, tug, tui, tun, tur, tut, ugs, ugt, uit, ung, uni, uns, ure, urn, urs, use, ust, ute, uti, uts, veg, vei, ver, vet, vie, vig, vin, vis, voe, vog, von, vor, vug

Definitions for Overtrusting

[1] reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
[2] confident expectation of something; hope.
[3] confidence in the certainty of future payment for property or goods received; credit: to sell merchandise on trust.
[4] a person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is my trust.
[5] the condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.
[6] the obligation or responsibility imposed on a person in whom confidence or authority is placed: a position of trust.
[7] charge, custody, or care: to leave valuables in someone's trust.
[8] something committed or entrusted to one's care for use or safekeeping, as an office, duty, or the like; responsibility; charge.
[9] Law . a fiduciary relationship in which one person (the trustee) holds the title to property (the trust estate or trust property) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary). the property or funds so held.
[10] Commerce . an illegal combination of industrial or commercial companies in which the stock of the constituent companies is controlled by a central board of trustees, a group of people who have assumed the authority to supervise the affairs of the constituent companies, thus making it possible to manage the companies so as to minimize production costs, control prices, eliminate competition, etc. any large industrial or commercial corporation or combination having a monopolistic or semimonopolistic control over the production of some commodity or service.
[11] Archaic . reliability.
[12] Law . of or relating to trusts or a trust.
[13] to rely upon or place confidence in someone or something (usually followed by in or to ): to trust in another's honesty; trusting to luck.
[14] to have confidence; hope: Things work out if one only trusts.
[15] to sell merchandise on credit.
[16] to have trust or confidence in; rely or depend on.
[17] to believe.
[18] to expect confidently; hope (usually followed by a clause or infinitive as object): trusting the job would soon be finished; trusting to find oil on the land.
[19] to commit or consign with trust or confidence.
[20] to permit to remain or go somewhere or to do something without fear of consequences: He does not trust his children out of his sight.
[21] to invest with a trust; entrust or charge with the responsibility for something: We trust her to improve the finances of the company within the year.
[22] to give credit to (a person) for goods, services, etc., supplied: Will you trust us till payday?
[23] trust to , to rely on; trust: Never trust to luck!
[24] in trust , in the position of being left in the care or guardianship of another: She left money to her uncle to keep in trust for her children.
[25] reliance on and confidence in the truth, worth, reliability, etc, of a person or thing; faith Related adjective: fiducial
[26] a group of commercial enterprises combined to monopolize and control the market for any commodity: illegal in the US
[27] the obligation of someone in a responsible position a position of trust
[28] custody, charge, or care a child placed in my trust
[29] a person or thing in which confidence or faith is placed
[30] commercial credit
[31] an arrangement whereby a person to whom the legal title to property is conveyed (the trustee) holds such property for the benefit of those entitled to the beneficial interest property that is the subject of such an arrangement the confidence put in the trustee Related adjective: fiduciary
[32] (in the British National Health Service) a self-governing hospital, group of hospitals, or other body providing health-care services, which operates as an independent commercial unit within the NHS
[33] See trust company, trust account (def. 2)
[34] (modifier) of or relating to a trust or trusts trust property
[35] (tr; may take a clause as object) to expect, hope, or suppose I trust that you are well
[36] (when tr, may take an infinitive; when intr, often foll by in or to ) to place confidence in (someone to do something); have faith (in); rely (upon) I trust him to tell her
[37] (tr) to consign for care the child was trusted to my care
[38] (tr) to allow (someone to do something) with confidence in his or her good sense or honesty I trust my daughter to go
[39] (tr) to extend business credit to

Words related to Overtrusting

trustfaith, confidence, expectation, hope, account, protection, care, corporation, group, institution, business, commit, entrust, positiveness, certitude, credence, conviction, certainty, dependence, reliance

Words nearby Overtrusting

trusttruss bridge, truss hoop, truss rod, trussed, trussing, trust, trust account, trust busting, trust company, trust deed, trust fund

Origin of Overtrusting

trust1175–1225; (noun) Middle English < Old Norse traust trust (cognate with German Trost comfort); (v.) Middle English trusten < Old Norse treysta, derivative of traust

Words that may be confused with Overtrusting

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, trustboard, committee, council, panel, trust

Other words from Overtrusting

trust·a·ble , adjective
trust·a·bil·i·ty , noun
trust·er , noun
non·trust , noun
o·ver·trust , verb
self-trust , noun
un·trust·a·ble , adjective
un·trust·ed , adjective
well-trust·ed , adjective

Word origin for Overtrusting

trustC13: from Old Norse traust ; related to Old High German trost solace

Synonyms for Overtrusting

accepting, believing, born yesterday, dupable, easy mark, falling for, green, simple, swallow whole, taken in, trustful, trusting, uncritical, unquestioning, unsophisticated, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, unwary