11 Letter Words for Oxygenation
10 Letter Words for Oxygenation
9 Letter Words for Oxygenation
8 Letter Words for Oxygenation
antigone, negation, neotoxin, ontogeny
7 Letter Words for Oxygenation
anteing, antigen, antonio, anxiety, atoning, enation, etonian, ganoine, gentian, geotaxy, ionogen, negaton, noetian, onionet, oxonian, oxytone, tonnage, yeaning, yogoite
6 Letter Words for Oxygenation
annite, anoine, anoint, anting, antony, anyone, eaning, eating, egoity, enoint, eonian, gaiety, gannet, ganoin, ganton, ganyie, genian, genion, gentoo, ginnet, ginney, gitano, gnatoo, goetia, gonion, gooney, goonie, ignote, inaxon, ingate, ingent, ingeny, innage, innate, inogen, intone, ionate, ionone, nanigo, nation, nignay, nignye, ninety, nintoo, niyoga, nonage, nonego, nongay, nontax, noting, notion, noyant, noying, oniony, oogeny, oxgate, oxygen, oxygon, taeing, tangie, tannoy, taoyin, taxine, taxing, teaing, tignon, tinage, tinean, toeing, tongan, toning, tonnag, toonie, toxine, toxone, toying, tyeing, tyning, xenian, xoanon, yangon, yexing, yonnie
5 Letter Words for Oxygenation
agent, agone, agony, anent, anion, annet, annex, annie, annot, annoy, anyon, ating, atone, atony, axine, axing, axion, axite, axone, ayont, engin, ennia, ennoy, entia, etang, exing, exion, gaine, genin, genio, genit, genoa, genty, geoty, geyan, giant, ginny, goaty, goety, goney, gonia, gonna, gonne, gooey, goony, goyin, gynie, inane, ingan, ingot, innet, inone, nenta, ngaio, niota, niton, nixon, noint, nonet, nonya, notan, nying, oaten, oenin, onion, oxane, taino, tangi, tango, tangy, tanny, taxin, taxon, tenai, tenga, tenia, tenio, tenno, tenny, tenon, texan, tiang, tigon, tinea, tinge, tinny, toney, tonga, tonne, toona, toxin, toxon, toyon, tying, xenia, xenon, yenta
4 Letter Words for Oxygenation
agen, aget, agin, agio, agit, agni, agon, aine, aint, aion, anet, ango, anne, anni, anno, anon, ante, anti, axin, axon, ayen, ayin, ayne, ento, eoan, etna, eton, exit, exon, exta, extg, eyot, gaen, gaet, gain, gait, gane, gant, gate, gean, geat, gein, geit, gena, gent, geta, gien, ginn, gite, gnat, goat, goen, gone, gony, goon, gote, goto, gyne, gyte, iago, inga, ingo, inne, inta, into, iota, nagi, naig, nain, naio, nane, nant, naoi, nato, neat, nein, neon, neti, next, ngai, nina, nine, niog, nito, nixe, nixy, noex, noix, nona, none, nong, noon, nota, note, noxa, nyet, oaty, oint, onto, onyx, oont, otoe, otxi, oxan, oxea, oxen, taen, taig, tain, tane, tang, taxi, taxy, tean, tega, teng, tiao, tien, tige, tine, ting, tiny, toea, toey, toga, toge, togo, tone, tong, tonn, tony, toon, toxa, toyo, tyin, tyne, xian, xint, yagi, yang, yate, yati, yean, yeat, yeni, yeta, yeti, ygoe, yite, yoga, yogi, yoni, yont, yote
3 Letter Words for Oxygenation
age, ago, agt, agy, ain, ait, aix, ane, ann, ant, any, ate, aye, ean, eat, ego, eng, eon, eta, ety, ext, eyn, gan, gat, gay, gen, geo, get, gey, gie, gin, gio, git, goa, goi, gon, goo, got, gox, goy, gte, gye, gyn, iao, ign, ing, inn, int, ion, ita, iyo, nae, nag, nat, nay, nea, neg, nei, neo, net, nie, nig, nit, nix, nne, noa, nog, non, noo, not, nox, noy, nye, oat, oie, ona, one, oni, ono, ont, ony, oon, oot, oto, oxo, oxy, oye, tag, tai, tan, tao, tax, tay, tea, teg, ten, tex, tgn, tie, tig, tin, tng, toa, toe, tog, toi, ton, too, tox, toy, tye, tyg, xat, yag, yan, yat, yea, yen, yeo, yet, yex, ygo, yin, yoe, yoi, yon, yot, yox
Definitions for Oxygenation
[1] to treat, combine, or enrich with oxygen: to oxygenate the blood.
[2] to enrich or be enriched with oxygen to oxygenate blood
Words nearby Oxygenation
oxygenateoxygen tent, oxygen toxicity, oxygen weed, oxygen-deprivation theory of narcosis, oxygenase, oxygenate, oxygenated hemoglobin, oxygenation, oxygenator, oxygenize, oxygeusia
Origin of Oxygenation
eFirst recorded in 1780–90; oxygen + -ate1
Other words from Oxygenation
ox·y·gen·a·tion , noun
ox·y·gen·a·tor , noun
an·ti·ox·y·gen·at·ing , adjective
an·ti·ox·y·gen·a·tion , noun
an·ti·ox·y·gen·a·tor , noun
hy·per·ox·y·gen·ate , verb (used with object), hy·per·ox·y·gen·at·ed, hy·per·ox·y·gen·at·ing.
hy·per·ox·y·gen·a·tion , noun
non·ox·y·gen·at·ed , adjective
su·per·ox·y·gen·ate , verb (used with object), su·per·ox·y·gen·at·ed, su·per·ox·y·gen·at·ing.
su·per·ox·y·gen·a·tion , noun
un·ox·y·gen·at·ed , adjective