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Showing words for PACIFY using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Pacify
4 Letter Words for Pacify
3 Letter Words for Pacify
Definitions for Pacify
[1] to bring or restore to a state of peace or tranquillity; quiet; calm: to pacify an angry man.
[2] to appease: to pacify one's appetite.
[3] to reduce to a state of submission, especially by military force; subdue.
[4] to calm the anger or agitation of; mollify
[5] to restore to peace or order, esp by the threat or use of force
Words related to Pacify
mitigate, placate, assuage, repress, soothe, quell, ameliorate, mollify, allay, tame, square, subdue, dulcify, soften, stroke, grease, lull, still, propitiate, compose
Words nearby Pacify
pacifico, pacifier, pacifism, pacifist, pacifistic, pacify, pacing catheter, pacini, pacinian corpuscle, pacino, pack
Origin of Pacify
1425–75; late Middle English < Latin pācificāre to make peace. See pacific, -fy
Other words from Pacify
pac·i·fi·a·ble , adjective
pac·i·fy·ing·ly , adverb
non·pac·i·fi·a·ble , adjective
re·pac·i·fy , verb (used with object), re·pac·i·fied, re·pac·i·fy·ing.
un·pac·i·fi·a·ble , adjective
un·pac·i·fied , adjective
Word origin for Pacify
C15: from Old French pacifier; see pacific
Synonyms for Pacify
allay, ameliorate, assuage, mitigate, mollify, placate, quell, repress, smooth over, soothe, tame, calm, chasten, compose, con, conciliate, cool, dulcify, grease, lull, moderate, propitiate, qualify, quiet, relieve, silence, soft-pedal, soften, square, still, stroke, subdue, sweeten, temper, tranquilize, bury the hatchet, butter up, fix up, kiss and make up, lay back, make peace, pacificate, put the lid on, take the edge off